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SABOCO: “Satellites in Border Cooperation”

Concerning the high importance of borders and border areas, EUROSENSE
wants to provide specific geo-information, with focus on “cross-border
cooperation” and “security”, by means of the project SABOCO.

Concerning the high importance of borders and border areas,
EUROSENSE wants to provide specific geo-information, with focus on
“cross-border cooperation” and “security”, by means of the project

With the expansion of the EU and the
consequent increase of the outer border, border cooperation is of top
priority for the EU. Moreover, borders play a fundamental role in
international aid and crisis management. Border areas are often the
places where conflicts take place and where concentrations of refugees
can be found.

In SABOCO, attention goes to the security
control of the outer-border of the new EU against terrorism, illegal
traffic, etc. (civilian application)•but also to the economic and
social development of the border region (border-cooperation), etc.

SABOCO wants to raise customer awareness
by promoting and demonstrating EUROSENSE’s EO-based products and
services for cross border cooperation and security. SABOCO wants to
generate the interest, adoption and acceptance of EO-data to a wide
multi-user market segment, thereby also increasing the demand for
related data and products. The service SABOCO wants to deliver, is in
fact a set of interrelated datasets forming the foundation for a
cross-border geo-database. Good geo-information is fundamental for
prosperous border cooperation, as it plays an essential role in the
preparation and decision process in many border related tasks.

SABOCO is a project under the EOMD-programme of ESA, “Earth Observation Market Development”.
