The RUS Service is the “New Expert Service for Sentinel Users” funded by the European Commission, managed by the European Space Agency, and operated by CS and its partners Serco, Noveltis and Along-track
The Copernicus Research and User Support (RUS) Service celebrates this month its two years of operations, with results beyond expectancy.
To date more than 1,000 users benefit from the RUS cloud resources and dedicated support provided by the experts of the RUS HelpDesk, for free. In parallel, more than 20 live webinars have been held on a variety of applications and Sentinel datasets. Each webinar aimed to demonstrate how Copernicus data can be accessed and processed to derive meaningful information for various monitoring applications (e.g., land, ocean, risk assessment, climate). The video recordings of these webinars are available on the RUS Youtube channel.
The RUS Service organized also more than 20 face-to-face hands-on training sessions over Europe. These sessions allowed participants to handle open source image processing solutions like ESA SNAP software.
For more info and the social media channels visit the website:
The RUS team will be present at the ESA Living planet Symposium in Milan, Italy (12-17 May). You are welcome to visit us to visit us at the CS and Serco booths.
Copernicus Sentinel 2 image processed by ImagineEarth thanks to RUS support