The satellite images are derived from ENVISAT and ERS satellites, which cover different periods and regions of the country. The study will test the applicability of SAR imagery for the Study of Disaster Management; SAR advanced techniques is going to be tested in disaster situations to assess their significance in comparison with the results of ground-based or other remote sensing investigations. The test area will cover areas within the country subject to past earthquakes and landslides. Furthermore, products will be developed to assess the damage from natural disasters, assets mapping and mapping products for the risk of these natural disasters.
With the Nomination for Principal Investigator of ESA Database, ReSAC continues its traditions in research and collaboration with the world’s leading space agencies and related organizations, on behalf of successful cooperation with ESA database for the needs of program Copernicus, with JRC MARS Unit for assessment KOMPSAT satellites and FORMOSAT-2, for their application in SAR, and DLR / NASA for use of data from the SRTM Mission.
Remote Sensing Application Center (ReSAC)
61, Tzar Assen Str., fl. 2, 1463, Sofia, Bulgaria. Tel: +359 2 980 0731 / Fax: +359 2 981 8216. e-mail