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Report 2nd OGEO Workshop (7-9 December 2011, Esrin, Frascati, Italy)

The Oil and Gas Earth Observation group (OGEO) is an initiative, supported by ESA, of representatives from the oil and gas industry and service providers in the earth observation business, to encourage and support their interaction.


After a successful workshop in 2010 the interest group continues to be active to promote the use of remote sensing in the O&G industry and started to liaise with formalized O&G bodies. The 2011 OGEO objectives were to: * Review progress with respect to the 2010 Action Development Plan * Organize a 2011 workshop * Present work initiated to implement the 2010 Action Development Plan * Present relevant EO applications to the Oil and Gas sector, with special focus on Oil spill response * Establish closer links between the Geology/Mineral EO communities and the Oil and Gas companies.


The 2011 OGEO workshop was composed of four sessions:

  • Session 1: OGEO status and achievements
  • Session 2: Data access, quality and standards
  • Session 3: EO for Oil spill detection, mitigation and response
  • Session 4: EO applications for the Oil and Gas sector

The workshop program is given in Annex A. The individual presentations in the separate sessions that have been cleared for public release are provided at

The combined OGEO/GRSG workshop was attended by 185 external participants from all around the world.


This workshop report (2011_OGEO_workshop_report_final.pdf) contains a summary of main observations made during the individual presentations and panel discussions.

This report does not contain details on technical discussion in relation to individual presentations. See the abstract booklet for specifics. All 21 presentations – from the OGEO day – have been made available by the authors and can be downloaded from the website

Workshop Presentations
