The World Disasters Report is in its 20th issue and over the past two decades has covered topics such as ethics in aid, neglected crises, public health, HIV and AIDS and urban risk. This year’s World Disasters Report focuses on forced migration and on the people forcibly displaced by crises, violence, climate change and development projects, whose numbers are increasing each year.
The report includes reference to the value of satellite imagery analysis and mentions in Chapter 7 the work done by UNOSAT in the area of human security and emergency response. UNOSAT has become increasingly popular with the international community since 2000 especially because of its Humanitarian Rapid Mapping Service. In 2010 the UNOSAT team started a planned investment of over 1 million USD to expand its research and applications to the area of human security, including the monitoring of populations displaced by conflict and disasters. Since then UNOSAT has been active in a range of humanitarian and human rights instances upon request by UN agencies, Commissions of Enquiry and Panels of Experts established by the UN Secretary-General. In the case of the Syrian crisis for example, UNOSAT helps UNHCR monitor several camps in neighboring countries which have been sheltering Syrian citizens escaping the violence in their country.