Accompanying them were the former Mayor and member of the Bundestag Dr. Margrit Spielmann and Ralf Holzschuher, a member of Brandenburg‘s parliament. The tour was an informational visit for the guests highlighting RapidEye‘s technology, employees and facilities.
Management members Wolfgang Biedermann and Michael Oxfort greeted and escorted the group on a tour of the recently renovated RapidEye headquarters. Informative presentations then gave guests an overview of the company, and a visual simulation of RapidEye‘s satellite constellation to be launched later this year.
A select team of employees then shared with the guests how satellite imagery is applied to identify biomass and grain types, and a demonstration on removing cloud cover from images by using mosaic techniques.
RapidEye‘s staff would like to thank these distinguished guests for taking an interest in their progress, and for making time in their busy schedules for a visit.
(Source RapidEye)