Space Research – Developing applications for the benefit of the citizens” provides an overview of the projects co-financed by the European Commission in the area of Space Research and Development under the Sixth Framework Programme. Please download the full brochure here
Window on GMES illustrates the vast palette of GMES services through examples and interviews with key stakeholders. Please download the first issue, which is published by the BOSS4GMES consortium with support from the 6th Framework Programme for Research here
FP7 Guide:This guide aims at supporting the use of EU funding for the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) and the Structural Funds. It is unique in the sense that it presents in parallel the main features of the three funding instruments and helps to identify, via a checklist of simple questions and options, which of the programmes (and which sub-programme) might be suitable for applying for funding.
Please download the guide, checklist , scorecard