The Philippines are a country heavily affected by devastating floods and strong precipitation.
“We consider this new map as relevant especially as a tool to make local land use plans truly based on risk – not only historical risks but future risks based on rainfall scenarios. We cannot be planning long term development based on yesterday’s event, but must factor in future climate risks,” said Mary Ann Lucille Sering, secretary of the country’s Climate Change Commission. reported: “The maps, which will provide up-to-date scientific data and analysis on local-scale flooding and climate risks, are being created using 3D technology as part of the Climate Change Commission’s efforts to adapt the Philippines to the impacts of climate change. The data, laid on top of existing maps, helps highlight areas that could face future flooding. The map identifies areas most vulnerable to flooding with a gradation of colour – the darker the hue, the deeper the water. For instance, the purple colour shows how high water might rise if heavy rainfall occurs.”