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PanGeo, the First Global Alliance of Earth Observation Satellites Operators

The PanGeo Alliance, announced in September in Paris, is the first global alliance of Earth Observation satellite operators. With four members, the Alliance provides access to imagery and tasking opportunities from a unique and growing fleet of Earth Observation satellites, providing multispectral imagery in a range of resolutions (from 20m to 75cm per pixel), and a daily global imaging capability. All PanGeo Alliance members can provide access to the full products portfolio of the whole satellite fleet, so that customers can benefit from a global network of resellers and a unified access point to new tasking and archive imagery.

Elecnor Deimos, the technological branch of the Elecnor group, announced in September during the annual Euroconsult’s Summit on Earth Observation Business in Paris, the launch of the PanGeo Alliance, the first global alliance of Earth Observation satellites operators. The PanGeo Alliance currently federates 4 satellite operator entities from around the world: Dauria Aerospace (US/Russia), the Emirates Institution for Advanced Science & Technology (UAE), Elecnor Deimos (Spain) and Beijing Space Eye Innovation Technology (China).

The PanGeo fleet is composed of 9 satellites currently in orbit. Six are multispectral imaging satellites (DubaiSat-1, DubaiSat-2, Deimos-1, Deimos-2, TH-1-01 and TH-1-02) and three provide AIS data (Perseus-M1, Perseus-M2, Dauria-DX-1). This fleet will be expanded to more than 30 satellites in the next years with the launch of KhalifaSat, of the Perseus-O and Auriga constellations, and with the expansion of the TH-1 constellation, plus satellites brought into the alliance by prospective new members that may join in the future.

The PanGeo fleet provides multispectral imagery in a wide range of resolutions (from 20m to 75cm per pixel), with a daily global imaging capability, and it complements this offer by providing AIS data for ship identification and maritime traffic control. All PanGeo Alliance members can provide access to the full satellite fleet and product portfolio from all members.

The satellite fleet of the PanGeo Alliance

PanGeo multisatellite mission planning allows to assess imaging opportunities for all satellites in the alliance, and to directly request imaging tasking to the satellite operator. PanGeo Alliance will also coordinate the access to the archives of all members, so that each member can see what is available and directly request images from the entire Alliance archive.

The PanGeo satellite fleet provides unmatched revisit capabilities for high frequency targets, and customers can benefit of a global network of resellers and of a unified access point to new tasking and archive imagery of the complete fleet plus an extensive range of final user and data fusion products.

Elecnor Deimos
Elecnor Deimos is Elecnor’s technological area that specialises in engineering solutions in the aerospace, information systems and telecommunications sectors. Its main business areas are remote sensing, aerospace and defence systems, air and maritime navigation, satellite systems.

Elecnor develops projects involving infrastructure, renewable energies and new technologies. It has 12,500 employees and operates in over 40 countries.