Its flexible, scalable, open, and cost-efficient raster server technology allows to directly manipulate, analyze & remix any-size geospatial data. The unique true multi-dimensional data model supports all types of raster maps, x/y/t image timeseries, x/y/z geo tomograms, and x/y/z/t climate and ocean data.
Since 2003, we offer individual consulting, development, and support for Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). In the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) we lead geo raster service standardization, being chair of the raster-relevant working groups and editor of the raster standards. As external expert we support the European INSPIRE SDI harmonization. The open-source rasdaman software is included in the OSGeo Live DVD and, hence, branded as particularly recommendable geo database.
Built on the experience of world-leading Big Earth Data experts and the makers of the standards, the rasdaman geo server represents the best of breed for today and tomorrow.