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OGEOzine Autumn 2016

magazine focus for the oil & gas community

Dear subscriber,

Firstly, thank you to all who responded to my experiment. People do read the magazine and they do find it useful.

As mentioned last time, an up-to-date mosaic of Africa has been produced but what about Europe? And now that these mosaics are being produced how are you going to use them, and how do you think users will actually use them? This magazine is a communication tool for you so if you have a new product, new idea or a question about how people would use a product then submit an article.

However, with all solutions it is important to understand that they may be just a piece in the jigsaw puzzle, and so it’s important that all pieces of information fit together (open, common standards), that you don’t have the same piece twice (repetition), and you have an idea what the completed picture may look like – understanding the task.

Richard Hall (OGEO Chairman, StatOil)

13. OGEOzine (n. 13) Autumn 2016.pdf