Metria is based in Sweden. During 2006 we conducted several remote sensing/GIS projects under contracts with Swedish users, such as the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Armed Forces, the National Board of Forestry, E.O.N, Holmen Forest and other forestry companies.
Metria is presently involved in several projects, from local to international levels, relevant to GMES. The activities include the use of remote sensing and GIS for mapping as well as change detection (time series). During 2006 Metria was part of a successful consortium for GMES Service Element Stage 2 (2005-2008), GSE RESPOND. Metria is already a partner in GSE Forest Monitoring, GSE LAND, and GSE RISK-EOS.
Metria also has the responsibility for the Water Observatory in the EU 6FP GMES integrated project (IP) Geoland. Additionally, Metria is a partner in the PREVIEW IP-project within the same program. Metria was also a partner in ASTRO+ (ended 2006), which is a project within the EU Preparatory Action on the enhancement of the European industrial potential in the field of Security Research (PASR).
During 2006 Metria has been involved, as a forestry expert, in the ESA Sentinel 2 mission definition study. We also were a partner in the ESA EoVox study aiming at strengthening the voice of the European & Canadian earth observation industry.
Metria also aquired a contract to perform orthocorrection for Image2006 in northern Europe as a subcontractor to DLR.
(Source Metria)