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Matera Space Centre, the first thirty years

(17 December 2013) To celebrate the first thirty years of activity of the Space Geodesy Centre of Matera, December 17, staff joined with the CEO of e-GEOS, Marcello Maranesi, e-GEOS president, Nazzareno Mandolesi, Telespazio CEO Luigi Pasquali and General Manager Lucio Magliozzi .

Colleagues from the Italian Space Agency (ASI) station who had shared this experience from inception, also took part in the festivities with a speech from Ing. Giuseppe Bianco

After a brief tour of the station and operating rooms, led by the Station Head Ing. Fonti, the delegation visiting Matera gathered for a toast and Marcello Maranesi in a warm and affectionate address to all, wanted to emphasize the cohesion, enthusiasm and commitment of the Matera staff that have made the Centre into a grand family that can look with confidence and optimism to the future.

President Mandolesi also wanted to emphasize the quality and excellence of the work done in Matera over the last thirty years, calling for the development of new activities and new funding aimed at space programs such as Copernicus and the 2nd generation of COSMO- SkyMed, important for the future of the Centre.

Luigi Pasquali, concluding the meeting, stressed the importance of Earth observation activities throughout the Telespazio group, reiterating how e-GEOS and its collaboration with the Italian Space Agency are important to the development of more innovative and effective technologies.

Being part of the Telespazio group, said Pasquali, is a source of pride and inspiration for the future.
