NPA have been involved in the ESA EOMD ‘Earth Observation Response
to Geo-Information Market Drivers – Location Based Service Market
Segment’ project led by Comsine. Working together with the EO
industry (GAF & EUSI) and key LBS players such as M-spatial (a
mobile phone mapping solution provider) and Multimap (a leading
provider of mapping and location-based services) the project undertook
an analysis of the global LBS markets and the EO service industry, and
sought to identify opportunities in and blockages to the increased use
of EO data products in the LBS market. NPA and Multimap have developed
a visualisation web-demo for GMES Terrafirma, and continue to explore
further opportunities.
Location-Based Services
NPA have been involved in the ESA EOMD ‘Earth Observation Response to
Geo-Information Market Drivers – Location Based Service Market Segment’
project led by Comsine.