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Launch of a new geo-portal by the Gabon Mining Administration

The geo-portal has been designed and implemented by GAF and its partner Sofreco. ​

The overall aim is to make Gabon’s mining sector more attractive to private sector investments and thus strengthen economic development. The geo-portal, which includes a geo-catalogue, is a mining information promotion and communication tool dedicated to mining companies, prospectors and academics. It allows a better understanding of and easy access to the geological, geophysical and geochemical data and information available in Gabon. The geo-portal displays a selection of the most relevant cartographic data – whereas the geo-catalogue section has a wider objective, serving as a tool for securing, archiving, cataloguing and searching geoscientific information.

The work was undertaken within the project: “Renforcement des capacités de l’administration” for the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Tourism in Gabon, which was awarded to GAF and its partner Sofreco. This project is part of the PAGOS (Projet d’Appui a la Gouvernance Sectorielle) programme about improved governance and is financed through the European Union via the 10th European Development Fund.

The portal is in French and can be accessed at:
