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International Industry Survey

A survey of the global EO services industry which is being organised.

An understanding of the industry and how it operates is important in order to take the right policy decisions. Today, no information exists on the global industry and only the EARSC survey of the situation in Europe and Canada, published in 2013, provides a comprehensive view of any part of the industry (see “studies” at

EARSC shortly will be contacting all the companies which they have managed to identify globally. Some global partners have offered to help in the process so the questionnaire will be received directly by some companies.

If you are a company based outside Europe or Canada, we would appreciate your support in providing a response to the survey; even if you cannot complete all the questions it will still be very useful to have a preliminary response which can ensure that your company is at least included in the total statistics.

It should take no more than 5 minutes to provide basic information (name of company, location, type of activity) and about 15 minutes to complete the whole questionnaire; there are around 20 questions in total.

Please contact EARSC if you are interest to take part in the international survey

Data from the survey will be confidential, held by EARSC and will not be released. Compiled data and analyses will be available for instance for a particular country or a part of the industry. GEO will be pleased to provide you with the final results when they become available towards the middle of 2015