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Infoterra: News Releases

Infoterra News

(07 July 2010). ESA Interface to TerraSAR-X Ground Segment is Operational: Maximum Efficiency of TerraSAR-X Data Delivery for ESA’s GMES Users Secured

Friedrichshafen, July 7, 2010 – Earth observation data experts from the European Space Agency (ESA) and its user community can now rely upon a very efficient access to TerraSAR-X radar satellite data. Infoterra GmbH, the EADS Astrium subsidiary responsible for the commercial marketing of this satellite, has tailored the TerraSAR-X data deliveries to ESA and its GMES users to the specific requirements of the Agency, minimizing administration effort and complying with ESA-specific procedures.
At the same time, Infoterra’s staff has been specifically trained for handling the GMES Space Component Data Access (GSC-DA) Programme requests, ensuring a maximum level of service quality and fast response times. Further, the necessary modifications to the German Aerospace Centre (DLR)‘s TerraSAR-X ground segment have been implemented in parallel.
The adaptation of delivery standards to ESA requirements was part of the first phase of a contract Infoterra received in 2009: a € 2.4M framework agreement covering the delivery of TerraSAR-X radar satellite data to ESA’s GSC-DA user community.

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(6 July 2010) 6 out of 8 Fire and Rescue Services across Scotland now benefit from Infoterra’s SAFEcommand™ mobile solution.

Solution enhances incident operational safety through effective location and risk data management. Provides real opportunity for cross border data sharing


(1 July 2010) Infoterra establishes Symetri Geo business unit to drive sales of ERDAS, Google Earth and Safe Software applications.

Infoterra Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS Astrium, has today launched a new Geographical Software Business Unit – Symetri Geo – focused exclusively on the resale, distribution, and provision of technical and training support for the company’s expanding portfolio of third party geo-software products. Symetri Geo –

will provide Infoterra customers using ERDAS desktop and enterprise products, the FME desktop and server suite and Google Earth Enterprise with a single point of access for all their geo-software requirements. The business unit will be developing further capabilities to deliver spatial data infrastructure (SDI) solutions that provide INSPIRE compliance. In addition, Symetri Geo will also support customers with a single point of contact to help ensure the success of their geographical data management projects


(21 June 2010). TanDEM-X Launched Successfully: TerraSAR-X twin brought into orbit from Baikonur – Satellite formation will collect data for global DEM

The German radar satellite TanDEM-X was successfully launched from Baikonur, Kazachstan, at 04.14 hrs CET on Monday, June 21, 2010. A first contact with a ground station in Troll was established at 04.45 hrs. TanDEM-X joins its “twin” TerraSAR-X, which has been in operation since mid 2007, in its 514 km orbit. Together, the two satellites will spend three years collecting stereo radar data for a global digital elevation model of the Earth’s entire landmass.

This DEM will feature a relative accuracy of better than 2 meters (10 meter absolute) for a 12 meter grid. TanDEM-X is being implemented in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and Astrium GmbH with, funds from the German Ministry of Industry and Technology (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie).

“This successful launch is an important step forward for our company,” stated Dr. Vark Helfritz, Managing Director of Infoterra GmbH, following the successful launch: “Infoterra will be conducting the commercial marketing of this unique global DEM, which will of course be an attractive enhancement of our companies’ portfolio.”

Infoterra GmbH will be responsible for the commercial marketing of the elevation model, which will involve customising the DEM to the needs of commercial users: Infoterra will process the raw data supplied by the satellite system in accordance with specific customer requirements.

This involves removing any remaining spikes (peaks or outliers caused by noise) and offsets (can occur due to radar shadow particularly in mountainous terrain) in the data, and editing the representation of expanses of water (ensuring a uniform water level and the right gradient of river courses).

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(26 May 2010). Infoterra Launches TerraSAR-X ELEVATION Product Suite

Infoterra GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EADS Astrium that holds the exclusive commercial exploitation rights for the high-resolution radar satellite TerraSAR-X, has announced the first element of its TerraSAR-X ELEVATION product suite:
Featuring a 10m grid spacing and an absolute height accuracy of up to 5m, the TerraSAR-X ELEVATION DSM (digital surface model) is now operationally available for areas as small as only 500 sqkm, and up to full regional coverage, worldwide. Particularly the unique reliability of the weather-independent radar sensor makes this an ideal complement to the established Spot Infoterra portfolio of elevation data sets such as Reference 3D, based on SPOT HRS optical data.

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