GMV has been involved in the development of the MetOp mission for
a long time, with contributions to different areas such as flight
dynamics, mission planning and data processing.
a long time, with contributions to different areas such as flight
dynamics, mission planning and data processing.
Within the data processing field, GMV is
participating in the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), a
spectrometer aboard the MetOp satellite series, whose main product is
the ozone column density. Since mid 2001, GMV has been developing the
simulator and the prototype processor as well as providing support to
the validation of the operational processor.
participating in the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), a
spectrometer aboard the MetOp satellite series, whose main product is
the ozone column density. Since mid 2001, GMV has been developing the
simulator and the prototype processor as well as providing support to
the validation of the operational processor.
- Photo Credits: ESA
The GOME-2 processor prototype has been used to assess the GOME-2
ground processing and to validate the operational processor integrated
in the EPS ground segment. The processor generates reference data for
the operational processor validation and the auxiliary tools provide
the means to perform the validation itself: product format checking,
product comparison, visualization, dumping, and reporting.
ground processing and to validate the operational processor integrated
in the EPS ground segment. The processor generates reference data for
the operational processor validation and the auxiliary tools provide
the means to perform the validation itself: product format checking,
product comparison, visualization, dumping, and reporting.
The GOME-2 processor prototype calculates in near-real time the
required checks to identify the quality of the products. Two sets of
checks are performed. The first set of checks is related to measurement
degradation, i.e., SAA pixels, clouds, sun-glint, saturated, and so on.
The other set of checks is related to the quality of the instrument,
i.e., non-nominal currents, voltages and temperatures. Additionally,
the Product Quality Evaluation tool provides the means to verify the
quality of the measurements by checking and analysing, in a graphical
way, all the quality flags, reporting the status, performing new
additional checks and extracting high level parameters like vegetation
index, ozone, ground images.
required checks to identify the quality of the products. Two sets of
checks are performed. The first set of checks is related to measurement
degradation, i.e., SAA pixels, clouds, sun-glint, saturated, and so on.
The other set of checks is related to the quality of the instrument,
i.e., non-nominal currents, voltages and temperatures. Additionally,
the Product Quality Evaluation tool provides the means to verify the
quality of the measurements by checking and analysing, in a graphical
way, all the quality flags, reporting the status, performing new
additional checks and extracting high level parameters like vegetation
index, ozone, ground images.
GMV will also support ESA for the GOME-2 In Orbit Verification (IOV),
during the MetOp commissioning phase. GMV will perform the required
adaptations and implement the new functionality required by the GOME-2
performance tests. GMV will also support the execution at ESA premises
during the SIOV rehearsal and the SIOV execution.
during the MetOp commissioning phase. GMV will perform the required
adaptations and implement the new functionality required by the GOME-2
performance tests. GMV will also support the execution at ESA premises
during the SIOV rehearsal and the SIOV execution.