The system overall space capacity relies on several EO missions contributing to GMES, and it is continuously evolving, with new missions becoming available along time and others ending and/or being replaced.
The GMES Space Component Data Access (GSCDA) provides a comprehensive and coordinated access to all GMES space data, allowing the capacity:
-To link transparently the different EO Data Providers and the various GMES Service Providers using coordinating functions;
-To create synergy and sustainability across the various contributing missions;
-To facilitate the data access for the services and aim at long-term data reliability beyond single missions.
The GSCDA data and services are accessible in the form of DataSets, which are pre-defined collections of coherent mono- and multi-mission product. The complete list of foreseen DataSets is available in the Data Access Portfolio (click here to download the version 1.0 of the document). These DataSets have been derived from the requirements of the GMES Service Projects, and after trading-off with the overall system capacity.
The Data Access Portfolio defines the Datasets that are going to be made available to the GMES Service Projects until September 2010 and is based on the agreements reached with the GMES Contributing Missions. Available missions/sensors/product types as well as data access mechanism and delivery timeliness are desribed for each Dataset.
The GSC-Data Access project is managed by the European Space Agency as an integral part of the GMES Space Component Programme.
The project has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement no 223001.
Requests and suggestions for improvements to the presentation of information can be submitted via the ContactUs form to for evaluation.
GMES Space Component Data Access: