The programme monitors the state of the environment on land, at sea and in the atmosphere to improve the security of the citizens in a world facing increased risks. This new investment from the EC brings GMES into an initial operational phase. It is the first concrete step towards the sustainability of the programme. Earth observation allows monitoring of the natural environment. It draws on both satellites and airborne, seaborne and ground-based installations. Data collected allows better management of the environment and enhances security for citizens.
In order to complement the running activities funded through framework programme, the European Commission has decided to invest EUR 150 millions more with the objective to make GMES operational by 2014.
Space applications like GMES are source of innovation.
In the current economic downturn, investment in innovation is crucial. OECD tells that the world market for Earth Observation, worth $735 millions in 2007, has the potential to rise to around $3 billions in 2017.
The Space Council of the 29th May “underlines the potential of space to develop enabling technologies and promote future economic growth in Europe. It considers including space applications among any further selection of new lead markets under the Commission’s Lead Market Initiative”. No doubt, GMES will encourage industry in particular SMEs to develop innovative information services.
The availability of environmental information is a key factor to understand the evolution of climate change so that we can observe our planet for a safer world.
See also: The full text of the communciation
Related Items:
-Contracts & grants (Calls for expressions of interest): GMES experts
-Contracts & grants (Prior information notices): Implementation of an initial GMES service for geospatial reference data access – Prior information notice (25/03/2009)