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Gisat News

The company has been awarded of the public contract to implement LPIS quality inspection in the Czech Republic.

Gisat in charge of LPIS Quality Assurance

The Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) is the spatial component of Integrated Administration and Control Systém (IACS). It is based on reference parcels within a GIS environment to allow the identification, location and administrative crosschecks of the agricultural parcels declared by European farmers. The LPIS is instrumental in safeguarding the aid flows toward the European farmer but to date, no common and systematic assessment of this instrument has been implemented.

According to the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1122/2004 each Member State is obliged to annualy report on several LPIS quality elements. Therefore LPIS Quality assurance framework has been developed by the Joint Research Centre (DG JRC). An ISO compliant methodology is proposed whereby industry standard sampling plans are applied by Member States to collect objective data, using an enhanced and harmonised method based upon data collected for the Control with Remote Sensing programme.

The implementation of a LPIS quality assurance framework provides to the Member States key entry points for the verification and audit of their. But such framework would above all offer the Member States an instrument to guide the improvement of their LPIS and to streamline the IACS processes that relate to the LPIS.

Czech Ministry of Agriculture has published a public tender to deliver services related to the implementation of LPIS quality inspection in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the winning proposal Gisat has signed the contract early October. It covers wide range of services starting from Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite data processing, through LPIS completeness check and detailed inspection of the LPIS thematic & temporal accuracy (mostly based on satellite orthophotos) up to extensive statistical analysis of the seven prime quality elements defined in the QA framework.

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ISO certification confirmed

Compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 2004 standards accredited by the supervisory audit.

The supervisory audit extended the certification of internal Quality Management System and company’s Environmental Management System according to the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 1400:2000 standards.

Gisat has successfully confirmed its commitment to maintain and continuously improve the quality of our services and products and its awareness of increasing importance of environmental issues and principles of sustainable development.

Source Gisat