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Harmonization of the Land Use and Land Cover datasets in Europe.

GISAT is a member of consortia awarded a research contract within FP7 framework named HLANDATA – Creation of value-added services based on Harmonized Land Use and Land Cover Datasets. Three years contract was awarded under the ICT PSP envelope for Geographic Information and is led by Gobierno de Navarra.

Despite many land monitoring activities are currently in place both on national and European level (including the GMES and INSPIRE ones), European wide land monitoring framework still suffer from lack of harmonization model. The HLANDATA project aims at making a step forward in overcoming this barrier, fostering the use of the Land Use and Land Cover geographic data at a European level, through the creation of value-added European services. The main objective of the project is to demonstrate the feasible European level harmonization of the Land Use and Land Cover datasets taking into account both the data categorization and the data models, for any of their possible uses and users, through the development of user oriented value-added services.

In order to achieve this objective and to validate the results, web services will be used for the implementation of 3 pilot projects in 3 different application areas. GISAT is active in pilot dedicated to ‘Harmonized and Interoperable Land Information Systems’ with focus on land cover / land use based land accounting services. Activities carried out on this pilot implementation under HLANDATA project is also planned to support national actions towards Czech national land monitoring program.

Check the HLANDATA website ( to get more information about the project.