Doris Bures und Christian Hoffmann present LISA (2011-06-20)
Doris Bures, Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology and Christian Hoffmann, Managing Director of GeoVille, present the Austrian GMES initiative LISA (Land Information System Austria). The objective of LISA is to serve common land monitoring needs and to enable a wide range of geospatial applications. The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) through the Austrian Space Applications Programme (ASAP7) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).
GeoVille contracted to perform three eoworld projects (2011-05-16)
Within the ESA-World Bank collaboration project EOWORLD, GeoVille was contracted to perform three activities. Specifically, we provide earth observation based services to the World Bank for urban and disaster risk management in Cambodia (Prime), for mapping the coastline changes in Western Africa and to establish a land cover and terrain database for forestry and land use plan- ning in Liberia. For more information on eoworld please visit the ESA or World Bank project sites.
50 years of space exploration (2011-05-16)
On the occasion of “50 years of space exploration” the Austrian Space Application Programme of FFG hosted a special competitive exhibition of the Austrian space industry in Vienna. Among the high profile guests was Austria’s infrastructure minister Doris Boris and members of the different government departments. GeoVille gave a presentation on the development status and potential for implementation of the Land Information System Austria
Partner in the European Topic Centre for Spatial Information and Assessments (ETC/SIA) (2011-05-16)
We are now official partner of the European Topic Centre for Spatial information and Analysis, which is supporting the European Environment Agency (EEA) in developing seamless European wide spatial reference data and in analysing these data for environmental issues. GeoVille is leading or involved in activities related to Corine Land Cover, Green Infrastructure, Territorial Cohesion, Urban Assessments, Resource Efficiency and Data Integration.
Start of the European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation (FOTsis) (2011-05-16)
FOTsis, a large scale European field testing project of highway infrastructure management systems has started on the 31st of March, 2011. GeoVille is involved in the project design and execution of this EC FP7 project acting as a map and geographic data provider and the provision of GIS capacity to the project partners
EEA article on urban soil sealing (2011-05-16)
In the framework of the urban activity of the ETC-SIA GeoVille has supported the preparation of an article on Urban soil sealing in Europe by computing mean soil sealing values for the EEA member states’ capital cities and converting these statistics into maps.
GeoVille has successfully completed service production (2011-05-02)
GeoVille has successfully completed an ESA-funded project on satellite-based monitoring of crop acreage in support of the UN-IFAD (UN International Fund for Agricultural Development). The purpose of the activity was to develop EO information services supporting the management and controlling of UN-IFAD investments in the upper Mandraré river basin in south-east Madagascar. A final user workshop was held at UN-IFAD headquarters in Rome in March. The project outcomes are currently featured on the news section of ESA’s website