Attended by over 100 delegates representing research, private and public stakeholder from across the region, the workshop offered an opportunity for key actors across the Earth Observation [EO] value chain to share and exhange insights on the long-term actions that can help maximize the impact of EO and leverage EU investments. Your thought and inputs were very valuable to the GEO-CRADLE project team and their efforts to develop a roadmap for the improved implementation of GEO/GEOSS in the region.
GEO-CRADLE at the 3rd joint EARSeL/NASA LULC Workshop “Land-Use/Cover Change Drivers, Impacts and Sustainability within the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” on 11-12 July 2018 in Chania, Greece.
GEO-CRADLE partners from NOA, iBEC, CUT, TUBITAK, TAU and CEDARE participated the Mediterranean Regional Information Network (MedRIN) Kick-off Meeting in Chania, Greece, 13 & 14 July 2018. MedRIN will serve as a liaising network of remote sensing scientists working on land cover/land use change and stakeholders in the Mediterranean region.
GEO-CRADLE partners presented the the Soil Spectral Library which was created in the context of the GEO-CRADLE project in the region of Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, the SENSE system :Access to solar energy applications using EO data through GEO activities and THE “Photosynthetically active radiation climatology in Greece for optimal vineyard planning and exploitation”.