Start Date | End Date | Event | Web | Venue |
08-apr-13 | 10-apr-13 | 8th EARSeL IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY WORKSHOP | web | Nantes, France |
09-apr-13 | 11-apr-13 | Ocean Business 2013 Exhibition | web | Southampton, UK |
09-apr-13 | 11-apr-13 | Third International Conference on Physical Coastal Processes, Management and Engineering | web | Gran Canaria, Spain |
10-apr-13 | 11-apr-13 | Water & Environment 2013 (CIWEM’s Annual Conference) | web | London, UK |
10-apr-13 | 11-apr-13 | Monitoring Matters – In-situ coordination in support of GMES/Copernicus operations | web | Copenhagen, Denmark |
15-apr-13 | 16-apr-13 | EO certification scheme | web | Frascati, Italy |
15-apr-13 | 17-apr-13 | SMOS-Aquarius workshop | web | Brest,France |
15-apr-13 | 17-apr-13 | 19th Annual CalGIS Conference | web | CA, USA |
15-apr-13 | 19-apr-13 | GOFC-GOLD Land Monitoring Symposium announcement | web | Wageningen, The Netherlands |
16-apr-13 | 17-apr-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
16-apr-13 | 19-apr-13 | AquaConSoil 2013 – Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management | web | Barcelona, Spain |
17-apr-13 | 19-apr-13 | International Forum “Integrated Geospatial Solutions – the Future of Information Technologies” | web | Moscow, Russia |
17-apr-13 | 19-apr-13 | 7th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns | web | Geneva, Switzerland |
18-apr-13 | 18-apr-13 | FMEdays 2013 | web | Dublin, Ireland |
21-apr-13 | 23-apr-13 | JURSE 2013 | web | Sao Paolo, Brazil |
22-apr-13 | 24-apr-13 | Food and Environment 2013 | web | Budapest, Hungary |
22-apr-13 | 26-apr-13 | 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35) | web | Bejing, China |
23-apr-13 | 23-apr-13 | Environment and risk management: the added value of satellite applications | web | Brussels, Belgium |
23-apr-13 | 25-apr-13 | Environmental Health Risk 2013 | web | Budapest, Hungary |
23-apr-13 | 25-apr-13 | ENC 2013 ‘The European Navigation Conference’ | web | Vienna, Austria |
24-apr-13 | 25-apr-13 | European Algae Biomass 2013 | web | Vienna, Austria |
25-apr-13 | 26-apr-13 | 3D Documentation Conference | web | Singapore, Singapore |
01-may-13 | 02-may-13 | GEO-South | web | Elstree, U.K. |
04-may-13 | 09-may-13 | European Space Expo in Warsaw | web | Elstree, U.K. |
06-may-13 | 06-may-13 | International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) Meeting | web | Darmstadt, Germany |
07-may-13 | 08-may-13 | Global Space & Satellite Forum, GSSF 2013 | web | Abu Dhabi, UAE |
13-may-13 | 16-may-13 | Geospatial World Forum | web | Rotterdam, Netherlands |
14-may-13 | 14-may-13 | FMEdays 2013 | web | Milan, Italy |
14-may-13 | 15-may-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
15-may-13 | 17-may-13 | The fourth China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2013) | web | Wuhan, China |
15-may-13 | 17-may-13 | Linking Humanitarian Organizations with Mobile Data Collection Tool Providers | web | Paris, France |
16-may-13 | 16-may-13 | Symposium on Legal and Policy aspects of space cooperation between Europe and BRICS countries; Inventory, Challenges and Opportunities | web | Leiden, The Netherlands |
16-may-13 | 16-may-13 | An Introduction to Astrium Cloud Services | web | Webinar |
18-may-13 | 23-may-13 | European Space Expo in Bratislava | web | Bratislava, Slovakia |
19-may-13 | 23-may-13 | Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction | web | Geneva, Switzerland |
20-may-13 | 23-may-13 | REAL CORP 2013 -18th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society | web | Rome, Italy |
21-may-13 | 21-may-13 | Seventh International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management | web | New Forest, UK |
21-may-13 | 22-may-13 | Location Intelligence + Oracle Spatial and Graph User Conferences 2013 | web | Washington, D.C., USA |
21-may-13 | 24-may-13 | ISPRS Workshop “High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatioal Information” | web | Hannover, Germany |
22-may-13 | 22-may-13 | 3rd annual conference Global Change and Resilience | web | Brno, Czech Republic |
22-may-13 | 24-may-13 | 7th International conference on river basin management | web | Southampton, UK |
22-may-13 | 24-may-13 | FOSS4G North America 2013 | web | Minneapolis, U.S.A. |
23-may-13 | 23-may-13 | SMEs and entrepreneurs: boosting business using satellite applications | web | Bratislava, Slovakia |
28-may-13 | 29-may-13 | Image Summit Europe | web | Vienna, Austria |
29-may-13 | 30-may-13 | 2nd GMES/Copernicus National User Forum Day | web | Prague, Czech Republic |
29-may-13 | 31-may-13 | 19th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment | web | Kos, Greece |
29-may-13 | 31-may-13 | UDMS 2013, 29TH Urban Data Management Symposium | web | London, U.K. |
29-may-13 | 31-may-13 | “Save the Planet”: 4th Conference and Exhibition On Waste Management, Recycling, Environment for South-East Europe | web | Sofia, Bulgaria |
03-jun-13 | 06-jun-13 | Hexagon 2013 (ERDAS, Intergraph, Leica, Metrology) | web | Las Vegas, U.S.A. |
03-jun-13 | 06-jun-13 | 33rd EARSeL symposium 2013 | web | Matera, Italy |
03-jun-13 | 06-jun-13 | 10th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Waste Water Technologies | web | Bordeaux, France |
03-jun-13 | 07-jun-13 | 11th Vespucci Institute “Ontologies and models for integrated assessments of multiple-scale processes” | web | Fiesole, Italy |
04-jun-13 | 04-jun-13 | Education&Training | web | Matera, Italy |
05-jun-13 | 06-jun-13 | Smart Cities Annual Conference | web | Budapest, Hungary |
05-jun-13 | 07-jun-13 | Big data from space | web | Frascati, Italy |
06-jun-13 | 07-jun-13 | 5th Workshop on Remote Sensing for Developing Countries | web | Matera, Italy |
06-jun-13 | 07-jun-13 | 4th Workshop on Cultural and Natural Heritage | web | Matera, Italy |
07-jun-13 | 07-jun-13 | Earth Observation and Remote Sensing sectors at MEET-EO | web | Matera, Italy |
11-jun-13 | 12-jun-13 | MapInfo Professional Advanced Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
12-jun-13 | 14-jun-13 | FOSSGIS 2013 | web | Rapperswil, Switzerland |
16-jun-13 | 22-jun-13 | 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2013 | web | Albena, Bulgaria |
17-jun-13 | 21-jun-13 | 13th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering | web | Lille, France |
18-jun-13 | 19-jun-13 | Innovative City | web | Nice, France |
18-jun-13 | 20-jun-13 | ECOSUD 2013 | web | Bucharest, Romania |
18-jun-13 | 20-jun-13 | MundoGEO#Connect LatinAmerica 2013 | web | São Paulo, Brasil |
23-jun-13 | 27-jun-13 | INSPIRE Conference 2013 | web | Florence, Italy |
25-jun-13 | 26-jun-13 | EARSC BoD & EARSC AGM | web | Brussels, Belgium |
25-jun-13 | 26-jun-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
25-jun-13 | 26-jun-13 | UN/Germany Expert Meeting on Space-based Information for Early Warning Systems | web | Bonn, Germany |
25-jun-13 | 27-jun-13 | ILSC 2013, 3rd Imaging and Lidar Solutions Conference | web | Toronto, Canada |
25-jun-13 | 27-jun-13 | RIEGL International Airborne, Mobile, Terrestrial, and Industrial User Conference 2013 | web | Vienna, Austria |
26-jun-13 | 27-jun-13 | United Nations/Germany Bonn Expert Meeting on Early Warning – Apply now! | web | Bonn, Germany |
26-jun-13 | 27-jun-13 | C-SIGMA IV 2013 | web | Cork, Ireland |
01-jul-13 | 03-jul-13 | Satellite Soil Moisture Validation and Application Workshop | web | Frascati, Italy |
01-jul-13 | 03-jul-13 | International Congress on Materials and Renewable Energy | web | Athens, Greece |
02-jul-13 | 05-jul-13 | GI_Forum 2013 | web | Salzburg, Austria |
04-jul-13 | 05-jul-13 | PROBING VEGETATION Conference: from past to future. | web | Antwerp, Belgium |
07-jul-13 | 07-jul-13 | echnology Dating MEET-EO – Earth Observation and Remote Sensing | web | Matera, Italy |
07-jul-13 | 11-jul-13 | 9th European Conference on Precision Farming | web | Lleida, Spain |
08-jul-13 | 08-jul-13 | Ninth International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures | web | A Coruña, Spain |
08-jul-13 | 12-jul-13 | Esri International User Conference | web | San Diego, U.S.A. |
09-jul-13 | 11-jul-13 | 3rd international conference on disaster management and human health: Reducing risk, improving outcomes | web | A Coruña, Spain |
17-jul-13 | 19-jul-13 | 11th International POG Conference: Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants | web | A Warsaw, Poland |
18-jul-13 | 18-jul-13 | Instant Satellite Tasking and Image Acquisition | web | Webinar |
21-jul-13 | 26-jul-13 | IGARSS 2013 | web | Melbourne, Australia |
22-jul-13 | 24-jul-13 | COM.Geo 2013 | web | Silicon Valley, CA, USA |
23-jul-13 | 24-jul-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
25-jul-13 | 25-jul-13 | |||
Big Data in Motion Summit: Manage Expanding Data Volumes for Analytics & Operations | web | online, online | ||
02-aug-13 | 10-aug-13 | 40th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) | web | Moscow, Russian Federation |
12-aug-13 | 26-aug-13 | Agro-geoinformatics 2013 | web | Virginia, USA |
21-aug-13 | 22-aug-13 | GeoGathering 2013 | web | Colorado Springs, USA |
21-aug-13 | 22-aug-13 | HealthGIS2013 | web | Bangkok,Thailand |
25-aug-13 | 29-aug-13 | SPIE Optics + Photonics 2013 | web | San Diego, USA |
25-aug-13 | 30-aug-13 | 26th International Cartographic Conference | web | Dresden, Germany |
27-aug-13 | 31-aug-13 | 8th International Conference on Geomorphology | web | Paris, France |
02-sep-13 | 04-sep-13 | United Nations/Indonesia International Conference on Integrated Space Technology Applications to Climate Change – Apply now! | web | New Forest, UK |
04-sep-13 | 06-sep-13 | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g) | web | Rostock, Germany |
04-sep-13 | 06-sep-13 | RSPSoc 2013 | web | Glasgow, U.K. |
05-sep-13 | 07-sep-13 | International Conference on Flood Resilience – Experiences in Asia and Europe | web | Exeter, UK |
09-sep-13 | 10-sep-13 | Workshop on UAV-based Remote Sensing | web | Cologne, Germany |
09-sep-13 | 13-sep-13 | ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013 | web | Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
09-sep-13 | 13-sep-13 | AGSE 2013 “The Geospatial Momentum for Society and Environment” | web | Ahmedabad, India |
10-sep-13 | 11-sep-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
10-sep-13 | 12-sep-13 | Resource efficiency & waste Management solutions | web | Birmingham, UK |
12-sep-13 | 12-sep-13 | Single Point Access and Custom-Branded Cloud Services | web | Webinar |
16-sep-13 | 18-sep-13 | GEO-Empower Middle East Summit | web | Dubai, UAE |
16-sep-13 | 20-sep-13 | Summer School on Data Fusion of Synthetic Aperture Radar | web | Pavia, Italy |
16-sep-13 | 20-sep-13 | XV International ISM Congress 2013 | web | Aachen, Germany |
16-sep-13 | 20-sep-13 | 2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference & 19th American Meteorological Society AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Conference | web | Vienna, Austria |
17-sep-13 | 20-sep-13 | Coast, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013 | web | Edinburgh, UK |
17-sep-13 | 22-sep-13 | FOSS4G 2013 Conference | web | Nottingham, U.K. |
19-sep-13 | 20-sep-13 | Geodesign Summit Europe | web | Herwijnen, The Netherlands |
22-sep-13 | 24-sep-13 | XV Congreso de la Asociacion Española de Teledeteccion | web | Madrid, Spain |
22-sep-13 | 27-sep-13 | SDEWES – Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems | web | Dubrovnik, Croatia |
23-sep-13 | 25-sep-13 | International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems | web | Lucca, Italy |
23-sep-13 | 25-sep-13 | Interdisciplinary Conference of Young Earth System Scientists 2013 | web | Hamburg, Germany |
23-sep-13 | 26-sep-13 | SPIE 2013 | web | Dresden, Germany |
23-sep-13 | 26-sep-13 | 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference – From imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies | web | Fontainebleau, France |
24-sep-13 | 25-sep-13 | MapInfo Professional Advanced Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
01-oct-13 | 03-oct-13 | “Earth from Space – the Most Effective Solutions” | web | Moscow, Russia |
03-oct-13 | 03-oct-13 | Science for the Environment 2013 | web | Aarhus, Denmark |
08-oct-13 | 10-oct-13 | INTERGEO Conference and Trade Fair for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management | web | Essen, Germany |
15-oct-13 | 16-oct-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
15-oct-13 | 17-oct-13 | 9th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group (SIG) on Forest Fires |
web | Coombe Abbey, Warwickshire, U.K. |
23-oct-13 | 25-oct-13 | United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Management – “Disaster risk identification and response | web | Beijing, China |
24-oct-13 | 25-oct-13 | An Internet resource for the Earth Observation & Remote Sensing community in Ireland | web | Dublin, Ireland |
29-oct-13 | 31-oct-13 | ASPRS/ CaGIS 2013 Falll Conference | web | San Antonio, U.S.A. |
30-oct-13 | 31-oct-13 | Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit 2013 | web | Brussels, Belgium |
31-oct-13 | 31-oct-13 | Satellite applications for multi-level irrigation management: capitalising on experience to drive regional innovation | web | Badajoz, Spain |
05-nov-13 | 07-nov-13 | European Space Solutions- Discover what space brings to your life | web | Munich, Germany |
07-nov-13 | 07-nov-13 | Geodata 2013 | web | Edinburgh, UK |
09-nov-13 | 09-nov-13 | CORDEX 2013 – International Conference on Regional Climate | web | Brussels, Belgium |
11-nov-13 | 15-nov-13 | First COSPAR Symposium | web | Bangkok, Thailand |
12-nov-13 | 13-nov-13 | MapInfo Professional Advanced Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
14-nov-13 | 14-nov-13 | Data Streaming and Geo-Processing | web | Webinar |
21-nov-13 | 21-nov-13 | Geodata 2013 | web | Belfast, UK |
28-nov-13 | 28-nov-13 | Geodata 2013 | web | London, UK |
03-dec-13 | 04-dec-13 | MapInfo Professional Foundation Level Training Course | web | Derbyshire, U.K. |
05-dec-13 | 06-dec-13 | 6th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing | web | Munich, Germany |
09-dec-13 | 11-dec-13 | GRSG:Status and developments in geological remote sensing | web | Berlin, Germany |
07-mar-14 | 18-mar-14 | Ninth Conference on Image Information Mining | web | Bucharest Romania |
17-mar-14 | 18-mar-14 | 5th Workshop of SIG Land Use/Land Cover | web | Postdam, Germany |
16-jun-14 | 20-jun-14 | EARSeL 34th Annual Symposium | web | Warsaw, Poland |
Eomag launched 12April2013