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Events Spring 2009

Events Spring 2009

Start Date End Date Event Web Venue
31-mar-09 01-apr-09 Offshore Survey 09 web Southampton, UK
01-apr-09 01-apr-09 European Geodemographic Conference web London, UK
01-apr-09 01-apr-09 FME UK User Group web Southampton, UK
01-apr-09 02-apr-09 GEO-9 The complete GEO Event web Coventry, UK
01-apr-09 03-apr-09 The 17th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK) web Durham, UK
07-apr-09 07-apr-09 ESA investment Forum web ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands
14-apr-09 16-apr-09 Map Middle East 2009 web Dubai, UAE
14-apr-09 19-apr-09 IGSM 2009 web Zurich, Switzerland
15-apr-09 17-apr-09 III International conference “Remote Sensing – the Synergy of High Technologies web Moscow, Russia
15-apr-09 17-apr-09 2nd International Conference: Advanced Space Technologies for the Humankind Prosperity web Dnepropetrovsk, Ukranie
15-apr-09 17-apr-09 3rd Space and Society: Space-The Human Dimension web Dnepropetrovsk, Ukranie
19-apr-09 22-apr-09 GITA’s Geospatial Infrastructure Solutions Conference! web Tampa, U.S.A
19-apr-09 24-apr-09 European Geosciences Union, General Assembly web Vienna, Austria
21-apr-09 25-apr-09 ‘GEO- SIBERIA – 2009’ web Novosibirsk, Russia
21-apr-09 25-apr-09 ‘EXPOKOS 2009’ web Prishtina, Kosova
22-apr-09 22-apr-09 AGI Marine & Coastal Zone Event web Liverpool, UK
22-apr-09 23-apr-09 XCES, Exhibition for construction and engineering surveying web York, UK
22-apr-09 23-apr-09 Digital Documentation 2009 web Liverpool, UK
22-apr-09 25-apr-09 REAL CORP 2009 web Sitges, Spain
23-apr-09 23-apr-09 AGI Northern Group Meeting web Manchester, UK
23-apr-09 25-apr-09 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference – Geoforum 2009 web Lviv, Ukraine
26-apr-09 28-apr-09 Map Middle East:Defence Geospatial Intelligence Middle East web Dubai, UAE
27-apr-09 29-apr-09 UK Highways Asset Management 2009 web Birmingham, UK
03-may-09 08-may-09 FIG Working Week 2009 web Eilat, Israel
04-may-09 08-may-09 ISRSE-33 web Stresa, Italy
04-may-09 06-may-09 ESRI Business GIS Summit web Denver, U.S.A.
05-may-09 09-may-09 International and Interdisciplinary space-related events of the Institute of Air and Space law web McGill Univ, Canada
10-may-09 13-may-09 Defence Geospatial Intelligence Middle East web Dubai, UAE
10-may-09 10-may-09 GEOSS Workshop web Bremen, Germany
11-may-09 11-may-09 The impact of GMES models on Industry web Brussels, Belgium
11-may-09 13-may-09 Information Systems in Agriculture and Forestry web Prague, Czech Republic
14-may-09 02-jul-09 GeoDATA 2009 – hosted by Training4GIS web various, various
18-may-09 20-may-09 GEOSS Sensor Web Workshop web Ibaraki, Japan
20-may-09 22-may-09 2nd EPS/MetOp Research Announcement of Opportunity Workshop web Barcelona, Spain
21-may-09 21-may-09 BARSC Workshop:Remote Sensing in the Green Economy: Applications and Opportunities web London, UK
25-may-09 29-may-09 International Conference on Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre in XXI-th Century web Moscow, Russia
25-may-09 29-may-09 The Second International Conference on Earth Obsevation for Global Changes (EOGC2009) web Chengdu, China
28-may-09 29-may-09 International GHRSST Data Users Symposium web California, U.S.A.
31-may-09 02-may-09 Disaster Management & Crisis Response Middle East 2009 web Moscow, Russia
02-jun-09 05-jun-09 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science – Advances in GIScience web Hanover, Germany
02-jun-09 05-jun-09 ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2009 web Hanover, Germany
03-jun-09 04-jun-09 AIMS 2009 -5th International Symposium High Performance Mining web Aachen, Germany
05-jun-09 09-jun-09 URISA-Putting Health in Place with GIS web Providence, Rhode Island
08-jun-09 09-jun-09 GeoGathering web CO, U.S.A.
14-jun-09 19-jun-09 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo-Conference and Expo – SGEM web Albena, Bulgaria
15-jun-09 18-jun-09 Intergraph 2009 web Washington DC, U.S.A.
15-jun-09 19-jun-09 GSDI 11 World Conference web Rotterdam, The Netherlands
15-jun-09 21-jun-09 48th Paris Air & Space Show web Le Bourget, Paris, France
17-jun-09 19-jun-09 The British Cartographic Society’s Annual Symposium: Man At Work web Newport, UK
20-jun-09 25-jun-09 29th EARSeL Symposium “Imagin(E/G) Europe” web Chania, Greece
22-jun-09 22-jun-09 First Open Source GIS UK Conference web Nottingham, UK
24-jun-09 26-jun-09 Second Swarm International Science Meeting web Postdam, Germany
24-jun-09 26-jun-09 27th Urban data management symposium web Ljubljana, Slovenija
24-jun-09 26-jun-09 Innovative Lidar Solutions Conference web Toronto, Canada
28-jun-09 03-jul-09 Advanced Training Course on Land Remote Sensing web Prague, Czech Republic
29-jun-09 02-jul-09 The 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2009) web Yongin, Korea
29-jun-09 03-jul-09 Cognitive Processing and Representations of Place, Space, and Time web Florence, Italy
01-jul-09 31-jul-09 TBD-Launch of ESA’s SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, together with the microsatellite Proba-2 web Plesetsk, Rusia
01-jul-09 03-jul-09 The 9th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques web Vienna, Austria
06-jul-09 09-jul-09 Joint International Agricultural Conference web Wageningen, Netherlands
07-jul-09 09-jul-09 GeoSpatial Africa 2009 web Johannesburg, South Africa
07-jul-09 10-jul-09 GI_Forum 2009 web Salzburg, Austria
11-jul-09 14-jul-09 2009 ESRI Education User Conference (EdUC) & ESRI Survey & Engineering GIS Summit & ESRI International User Conference web San Diego, California
13-jul-09 17-jul-09 IGARSS – 2009 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium web Cape Town, South Africa
19-jul-09 29-jul-09 IAMAS Assembly – Our Warming Planet web Montreal, Canada
20-jul-09 22-jul-09 Air Pollution 2009 web Tallin, Estonia
21-jul-09 23-jul-09 GEO Summit – Latin America web Sao Paulo, Brasil
21-jul-09 24-jul-09 6th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology – MMT2009 web Sao Paulo, Brasil
27-jul-09 31-jul-09 GeoWeb 2009 SPIE Optics + Photonics 2009 web San Diego, U.S.A.
04-aug-09 07-aug-09 10th South East Asian Survey Congress (SEASC ’09) web Bali, Indonesia
05-aug-09 07-aug-09 Nordic Surveyors Congress web Aalborg, Denmark
12-aug-09 14-aug-09 17th International Conference of Geoinformatics 2009 web Virginia, U.S.A.
18-aug-09 20-aug-09 Map Asia 2009 web Singapore, Singapore
24-aug-09 28-aug-09 True 3D in Cartography-ICA Symposium web Dresden, Germany
24-aug-09 28-aug-09 6th International Scientific Conference on Global Energy & Water Cycle web Melburne, Australia
27-aug-09 28-aug-09 GISCA’09 web Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
28-aug-09 29-aug-09 iGEOMAP2009, Urban Infrastructure and GeoInformatics SPIE Remote Sensing Symposium web Berlin, Germany
31-aug-09 04-sep-09 World Climate Conference-3 web Geneva, Switzerland
31-aug-09 04-sep-09 Geodesy for Planet Earth – IAG2009 web Buenos Aires, Argentina
03-sep-09 04-sep-09 EFI 2009 Annual Conference web Dublin, Ireland
03-sep-09 05-sep-09 CEST 2009 web Chania, Crete, Greece
07-sep-09 09-sep-09 UK Society of Cartographers Annual Summer School web Southamton, UK
07-sep-09 11-sep-09 Atmospheric Science Conference web Barcelona, Spain
09-sep-09 11-sep-09 GEOITALIA 2009, VII Italian Forum of Earth Sciences web Rimini, Italy
09-sep-09 12-sep-09 The 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE6) web Beijing, China
13-sep-09 19-sep-09 8th International Carbon Dioxide Conference web Jena, Germany
21-sep-09 25-sep-09 2009 ICES Annual Science Conference web Berlin, Germany
21-sep-09 25-sep-09 2009 EUMETSAT Meteorological Conference web Bath, UK
21-sep-09 25-sep-09 OceanObs’09 web Venice, Italy
22-sep-09 24-sep-09 Intergeo web Karlsruhe, Germany
23-sep-09 25-sep-09
Disaster Management 2009 web New Forest, UK
26-sep-09 26-sep-09 Exhibition at European Researchers Night web Frascati, Italy
28-sep-09 02-oct-09 2nd Advanced Training on Ocean Remote Sensing web Bergen, Norway
29-sep-09 30-oct-09 Forth European Security Research Conference (SRC09) web Stockholm, Sweden
01-oct-09 02-oct-09 First Euro-Atlantic Stakeholder Conference web Stockholm, Sweden
01-oct-09 01-oct-09 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg web Strasbourg, France
05-oct-09 08-oct-09 IXth International Scientific and Technical Conference “From imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies web Attica, Greece
05-oct-09 09-oct-09 5th WMO Symposium on Data Assimilation web Melburne, Australia
05-oct-09 09-oct-09 34th Conference on Radar Meteorology web Virginia, U.S.A
07-oct-09 08-oct-09 Energy Solutions Expo 2009 web London, UK
12-oct-09 16-oct-09 60th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2009) web Daejeon, Korea
14-oct-09 17-oct-09 The 7th International Oil and Gas Exploration, Production web Jakarta, Indonesia
20-oct-09 23-oct-09 FOSS4G conference web Sydney, Australia
23-oct-09 25-oct-09 GEOSS Workshop XXX-Disasters Management web Kampala, Uganda
26-oct-09 30-oct-09 Africa GIS 2009 web Kampala, Uganda
10-nov-09 12-nov-09 ACQUA ALTA web Hamburg, Germany
16-nov-09 19-nov-09 ASPRS/MAPPS 2009 Fall Conference web Texas, U.S.A.
18-nov-09 20-nov-09 Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science web Frascati, Italy
16-nov-09 20-nov-09 The 24th International Cartographic Conference web Santiago, Chile
01-nov-09 31-nov-09 TBD- Launch of ESA’s Cryosat-2 mission web Plesetsk, Russia
30-nov-09 11-dec-09 COP 15’, United Nations Climate Change Conference web Copenhagen, Denmark
01-dec-09 03-dec-09 Earth From Space -the Most Effective Solutions web Vatutinki Center, Russia
01-dec-09 04-dec-09 Pacific Island Countries GIS&RS User Conference 2009 web Suva,Fiji
07-dec-09 09-dec-09 Global Space Technology Forum web Dubai, U.A.E.
18-jan-10 21-jan-10 DGI web London, UK
08-mar-10 10-mar-10 GEO 2010 web Bahrain, Bahrain