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Events Spring 2008

Start Date End Date Event Web Venue
08-apr-08 10-apr-08 Geo-evenement 2008 web Paris, France
09-apr-08 10-apr-08 GEO-8, GIS Innovations and World of Geomatics web Conventry, United Kingdom
14-apr-08 15-apr-08 ESA Investment Forum 2008 web Noordwijk, The Netherlands
14-apr-08 15-apr-08 PROGIS web Villach, Austria
14-apr-08 16-apr-08 2nd GEOSS – The Role of Earth Observations in Tackling Climate web Tokio, Japan
16-apr-08 18-apr-08 2nd International Conference Remote Sensing – the Synergy of High Technologies web Moscow Region, Russia
16-apr-08 18-apr-08 Disaster Management 2008 Exhibition & Conference web Maidan, India
16-apr-08 18-apr-08 II International, Remote Sensing – the Synergy of High Technologies web Moscow, Russia
21-apr-08 21-apr-08 AGI – British Antarctic Survey web Cambridge, UK
21-apr-08 22-apr-08 NAVOBS+ SMEs Workshop web Toulouse,
22-apr-08 25-apr-08 Toulouse Space Show web Toulouse,
22-apr-08 25-apr-08 NeoGeography XXI-2008 web Moscow, Russia
27-apr-08 02-may-08 ASPRS 2008 Annual Conference web Portland, OR,USA
29-apr-08 30-apr-08 AED-SICAD European Utility Forum 2008 web Vienna, Austria
29-apr-08 01-may-08 1Spatial 2008 Conference web Stansted Airport, UK
06-may-08 08-may-08 11th AGILE 2008 Conference on GI Science web Girona, Spain
12-may-08 16-may-08 SpaceOps 2008 web Heidelberg, Germany
13-may-08 22-may-08 GeoDATA web London, UK
14-may-08 14-may-08 AGI:shared services/data sharing web Belfast, Ireland
14-may-08 14-may-08 Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the Public Sector web London, UK
14-may-08 16-may-08 GMES conference: “Bridging the gap”-TBC web Portrose, Germany
19-may-08 30-may-08 UN Convention on Biological Diversity – COP 9 web Bonn, Ireland
20-may-08 21-may-08 Innovation at the service of regional growth web Dublin, Ireland
20-may-08 22-may-08 5th EuroGOOS – Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography Achievements & Challenges web Exeter, UK
21-may-08 23-may-08 MapWorld 2008 web Las Vegas, U.S.A
22-may-08 27-may-08 Life in Space for Life on Earth web Angers, France
22-may-08 24-may-08 Advanced Neural Strategies for
Remote Sensing Images Processing Application
web Vietri sul Mare, Salerno,
26-may-08 30-may-08 Digital Photogrammetric Systems web Barcelona, Spain
27-may-08 27-may-08 30th ESA Antenna WK web Noordwijk, The Netherlands
02-jun-08 03-jun-08 GeoGathering 2008 web CO, U.S.A
02-jun-08 05-jun-08 Intergraph 2008 – Int’l Users Conference web Las Vegas, U.S.A
02-jun-08 06-jun-08 Sensor Orientation: Calibration and Block Adjustment. Integration GNSS and INS sensors web Barcelone, Spain
02-jun-08 06-jun-08 28th EARSeL Symposium and Workshops: “Remote Sensing for a Changing Europe” web Istanbul, Turkey
04-jun-08 05-jun-08 4th International Optech Terrestrial Laser Scanning- “Measuring new horizons” web Munich, Germany
04-jun-08 07-jun-08 Developing Countries in conjunction with GISDECO 8 web Istanbul, Turkey
10-jun-08 12-jun-08 GIS/SIT 2008 web Zurich, Switzerland
11-jun-08 11-jun-08 Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation:Knowledge Exchange Conference web Leicester, UK
11-jun-08 13-jun-08 International Workshop E-learning 2008 web Enschede, The Netherlands
12-jun-08 12-jun-08 New sensors and perspectives in data policy web London, UK
15-jun-08 18-jun-08 International Training Course on satellite navigation and location based services web Ahmedabad, India
16-jun-08 19-jun-08 Evaluating Free and Open Source Sofware for Geoinformation (FOSS4G) for Environmental Applications web Warsaw,Poland
20-jun-08 21-jun-08 11th ICA Workshop on Map Generalisation and Multiple Representations web Montpellier, France
23-jun-08 25-jun-08 Spatial Data Handling Conference 2008 web Montpellier, France
24-jun-08 26-jun-08 INTERCARTOINTERGIS 14 web Saratov, Russia
28-jun-08 29-jun-08 Geoinformatics web Guangzhou, China
29-jun-08 01-jul-08 INTERCARTOINTERGIS 14 web Urumqi-Lhasa, China
30-jun-08 03-jul-08 International Workshop on Computational GeoInformatics – COMPGEO’08 web Perugia, Italy
01-jul-08 04-jul-08 GI Forum 2008 web Salzbug University, Austria
02-jul-08 04-jul-08 AGIT 2008 web Salzbug University, Austria
02-jul-08 02-jul-08 AGI Environmental Special Interest Group Annual Conference web Nottingham, UK
03-jul-08 11-jul-08 ISPRS 2008 web Beijing, China
04-jul-08 07-jul-08 4th Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Developing Countries web Istanbul, Turkey
06-jul-08 11-jul-08 IGARSS 2008 web Boston, MA, USA
08-jul-08 11-jul-08 Polar Research Arctic & Antarctic Perspectives – SCAR/IASC IPY web San Petersburg, Russia
13-jul-08 20-jul-08 COSPAR 2008 web Montreal, Canada
21-jul-08 25-jul-08 GeoWeb 2008 web Vancouver, Canada
04-aug-08 07-aug-08 GEOBIA 2008 web Alberta, Canada
04-aug-08 08-aug-08 ESRI UC 2008 web San Diego, CA, USA
04-aug-08 14-aug-08 EO Summer School 2008 web Frascati, Italy
10-aug-08 14-aug-08 SPIE Optics + Photonics 2008 web San Diego, CA, USA
19-aug-08 21-aug-08 Map Asia 2008 web Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25-aug-08 29-aug-08 URISA Fourth Caribbean GIS Conference web G. Cayman, Cayman Islands
25-aug-08 29-aug-08 International Disaster and Risk Conference web Davos, Switzerland
26-aug-08 28-aug-08 Map Africa 2008 web Cape Town, South Africa
08-sep-08 11-sep-08 SPIE´s Europe Remote Sensing Symposium web London, UK
08-sep-08 11-sep-08 10th International Symposium on High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography web Kathmandu, Nepal
15-sep-08 17-sep-08 RSPSoc Annual Conference 2008 web Exeter, UK
15-sep-08 20-sep-08 Advanced Atmospheric Training Course web Oxford, UK
16-sep-08 18-sep-08 GMES conference “The operational phase”-TBC web Lille,
17-sep-08 19-sep-08 SilviLaser web Edinburg, UK
17-sep-08 19-sep-08 Congress of the European Surveyors web Strasbourg, Germany
17-sep-08 19-sep-08 GEO India 2008 web New Delhi, India
22-sep-08 24-sep-08 EARSeL: Remote Sensing Techniques in Disaster Management and Emergency Response in the Mediterranean Region web Zadar, Croatia
22-sep-08 26-sep-08 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop web Frascati, Esrin
23-sep-08 25-sep-08 AGI GeoCommunity ’08 web Stratford-upon-Avon, UK
29-sep-08 01-oct-08 14th Australasian Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry Conference web Darwin, Australia
29-sep-08 03-oct-08 Free and Open Source Geospatial 2008 (FOSS4G2008) web Cape Town, South Africa
30-sep-08 30-sep-08 5th ESA/EC joint Space Council-TBC web Brussels,
30-sep-08 02-oct-08 Intergeo 2008 web Bremen, Germany
06-oct-08 10-oct-08 19th Ocean Optics Conference web Barga, Italy
07-oct-08 09-oct-08 EuNavTec, 1th International Specialist Trade Fair for Satelite Navigation web Dresden, Germany
07-oct-08 10-oct-08 The 46th Annual Conference of the Urband and Regional Information Systems Association web New Orleans, U.S.A.
21-oct-08 23-oct-08 3rd IAASS International Space Safety Conference AARSE)-2008 web Accra, Ghana
28-oct-08 30-oct-08 EMEA UC 2008, ‘GIS for Every Life’ web London, UK
03-nov-08 07-nov-08 ALOS 2008 Symposium web Rhodes, Greece
08-nov-08 09-nov-08 10th International Symposium on High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography web Kathmandu, Nepal
16-nov-08 18-nov-08 Global Space Technology Forum web ADNEC, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
25-nov-08 26-nov-08 ESA Council meeting at ministerial level web The Hague,
01-dec-08 03-dec-08 The International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS) 2008 web Bahrain, Bahrain
02-dec-08 04-dec-08 GEO Expo China web Shanghai, China