Meet your geospatial peers!
The Summit will provide an excellent opportunity to meet and network within the Middle Eastern and international geospatial community. Through keynote presentations, panels and case studies, the speakers at this event will share their insights about the use of geospatial intelligence in the region and beyond. The event will cover the latest technological advances as well as the new ways of using Geographic information in society, the integration of new real time measurements and it’s impact on end user capabilities, the emergence of Web oriented systems, IT interoperability, standardization as a means of creating a simple integrated platform that could reach billions of people. The event will also cover the latest on collaboration across organizations in the region.
Key speakers
• Professor Mike Jackson, Centre for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, UK
Board Member OGC, Director
• Dr. Ahmed El-Rabbany, P.Eng., Professor, Geomatics Engineering, Graduate Program Director, Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University
• Dr Omar Al-Emam, Arab Science and Technology Foundation
Space Technology Consultant
• Senior representative from the OGC
• Mansoor Al Malki, Qatar Statistics Authority,
• Dr Basyoni A Abdul Rahman, University of Bahrain, Department of Social Sciences
• Bhupendra Jasani, Department of War Studies, King’s College
Visiting Professor
• Sarah El-Khazin Bouvier Senior Consultant, Regional Office for the Middle East UN OCHA
For panelist and speaking opportunities please contact:
Andrea Krizsak. Project Manager
T: +36 1 41 118 42
Key topics
Through keynote presentations, panels and case studies, the speakers at this event will share their insights about the use of GIS in:
- Defence and Intelligence
+ Emergency Management - Crisis response
- Infrastructure and Utilities
- Construction and Engineering
- Governance
- Oil and Gas Exploration
Who should attend
Chief Analyst, Air Attache, VP Business Development, Adviser, IT Officer, GIS Business Development Manager, Consultant, Expert, Managing Director, Geospatial Engineer, D&I Industry Director, Head of GIS Department, Head of Research, Defence and Security Key Account Manager, Director, Marketing Director, Professor, Presales and Bid Manager, Chief of Branch
Summit participants in 2010 in Vienna included
Abu Dhabi Police, Arab Science and Technology Foundation, EADS, Arabia, Association of Chief Police Officers, BM Landesverteidigung, Centre for Geospatial Science University of Nottingham, Defence Geographic Centre, Digital Globe International, Embassy Diplomatic Mission, ESRI, EU Military Staff Intelligence Directorate, Eurimage, European Union Satellite Centre, European Space Imaging, Federal Office of Topography, French Ministry of Defence, GBR AR, Ministry of National Defence Command of Mapping, Geo 212 France, Geoapikonisis SA, Geographic Inc, German Armed Forces, Graphitec, HUNAGI, Hydrographic Institute, Iki Nokta, Institut Geographicque National, Intecs, Intergraph, Intermap, Join Aeronautical & Geospatial Organisation UK, Kartographe Huber, King’s College, Kor Oil Company ,Geo KOD, Lantmateriet, Lockheed Martin, Military Geography & Meteorology, University of Defence, Military University of Technology, Ministerstvo Vnitra Policejnt Prezidium, Ministry of Defence UK, Ministry of Interior, Northrop Grumman, ORBIT, Ordnance Survey, Rapid Eye, Regio, ITT Research Systems, Russian Space Systems, Spacemetric, SRI of Precision Instruments, TeamNet International, Tele Atlas, Terra, The Agency for Real Estate Cadastre, Ulusal CAD & GIS AS, University of Munchen, UNOSAT, US ARMY Geospatial Centre, TASC