* Industrial statistics collected at the source.
* Annual survey, 150+ space companies in Europe.
* Proven consolidation methodology
* Full chronological consistency and comprehensive series
* Unique economic indicators
The print report (published in June) is distributed free of charge to industry participants, to the main space policy actors in Europe (ESA, EU, National Agencies, Ministries…), and to the press.
This year we present the twelth edition of our annual survey of European Space Industry activity. The elements currently available for download are:
* The pdf version of the Eurospace 2007 Facts & Figures survey report: right click here to download.
* The complete 2007 facts and figures presentation: right click here to download
* The complete facts and figures data sets (year 2007 and time series) as an Excel file at Eurospace website to download.
Eurospace is proud to present, year after year, the only estimate of European Space Industry’s consolidated turnover, this could not be achieved without active participation of the companies in the sector which we would particularly like to thank.
Source Eurospace