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Eurosense news

(June2010) Eurosense Recent News

A new orthophoto of Bratislava on 10 cm resolution

EUROSENSE completed an aerial photography survey of Bratislava in just one day, namely on 11/6/2010. The survey aims to upgrade its existing 10cm Slovak cities orthophoto serie. Each of 7 previous regular aerial surveys of Bratislava, flown for the first time by EUROSENSE in 1993, have taken up always max. 2 days to complete.

Using a digital Vexcel UCXP camera, EUROSENSE was able to survey and collect over 2000 images across Bratislava in one day. The new camera technology enabled the survey aircraft to fly more efficiently yet still collect a 9,4 cm ground resolution imagery.

This is the 2nd time that aerial photography of Bratislava has been collected at this level in such a short space of time.

Aerial thermography survey by Eurosense in Cherbourg, France

The aerial thermography project launched by the Urban Community of Cherbourg (CUC) aims to inform the inhabitants (92.000 inhabitants) of the five municipalities about thermal losses of their houses (roofs).

Basically, two aerial photoflights were executed over the Urban Community of Cherbourg (69kmĀ²) during two cold winter nights in order to collect thermal responses of the roofs. After image processing and cartography, the results comes out with maps showing the heating losses based on a colored pixel classification (from dark blue to bright red) on cadastral reference maps. Final objectives are increasing public awareness about energy consumption and presenting to the inhabitants available housing isolation subsidies launched by the French government.

More info at EUROSENSE