International Polar Foundation Prize for thermography of Ghent (25.06.2012)
The city of Ghent has been awarded with the International Polar Foundation Prize for the project on the aerial thermography, executed by EUROSENSE in 2011. The award was handed over to the city of Ghent by Alain Hubert, president of the Internation Polar Foundation, on the 7th Belgian Energy and Environment Awards.
The city of Ghent is aiming to become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this ambitious goal, they’ve launched several activities of which the execution of an aerial thermography of the entire city of Ghent is the largest eye-catcher. During three cold winter nights, EUROSENSE executed flights with a thermal camera on board detecting the heat losses through the roofs. The images have been processed into a thermographic map of the city which has been published online together with an interpretation key and legends for the use of the inhabitants
The Polar Foundation Prize is already the second prize that has been awarded to the city of Ghent for the aerial thermography project. A few months ago, the city also received the E-Gov Award on User Friendliness (see the corresponding news-item).
The award of those 2 prizes clearly show the added-value of the approach of EUROSENSE: it is not just a map, it is a real policy and communication instrument for the cities and municipalities.
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EUROSENSE acquires 10.000 images in 4 days!! (19.06.2012 )
During the last weekend of May – first good weather period in Belgium for a long time – EUROSENSE acquired 10.000 images in 3 provinces in Flanders (Belgium), in particular West-Flanders, East-Flanders and Antwerp. To meet the geographical accuracy requirements of the final products the mission was flown with a resolution of 17 cm. The data acquisition was done with Vexcel UltraCamX digital cameras. In the coming months EUROSENSE will produce both stereo images and orthophotomosaics with a resolution of 25 cm.