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EUROSENSE maps cross-border metropolis data

EUROSENSE completed end 2007 the first cross-border Urban Atlas for the region of Courtrai, Tournai, Lille, Douai and Valenciennes. This map can be used as basic data layer for the recently founded Eurodistrict.

The Eurodistrict intends to set up, across the borders, projects about transport, economical and regional development and about urban planning. To make a common policy possible the government has to have accurate data at its disposal. The new map, based on satellite images, shows the soil occupation of the largest part of the Eurodistrict. This map can be consulted online, and Land.

The production was realised by EUROSENSE within the project GSE Land (GMES Service Element), funded by ESA – Urban Atlas is an European initiative, its purpose is to map the largest European cities according to a fixed procedure and legend. This legend consists of 26 different classes (derived from the CORINE and MOLAND nomenclature) with focus on artificial areas.


Through this initiative it will be possible to compare the land use of different European cities and follow it up in time. The Urban Atlas constitutes also the basis for the calculations of different Urban Audit indicators/statistics.

This Urban Atlas is based on SPOT5 satellite images (2005-2006) with a 2.5m resolution.

The realisation of the project was a cooperation between the ‘Intercommunale Leiedal’, the province of West Flanders, l’Agence de Développement et d’Urbanisme de Lille Métropole and EUROSENSE.

EUROSENSE has a great expertise in the processing of satellite images. EUROSENSE has no limitations concerning satellite type or resolution. We have profound experience in the processing of a large spectrum of optical and radar satellite images (FORMOSAT, KOMPSAT, SPOT, IKONOS, Landsat, TerraSAR-X, …).

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