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EUROSENSE: Experts in Geo-Information Services

EUROSENSE is a prominent commercial and highly specialised remote sensing organization, existing since 1964. Besides profound experience in aerial photogrammetry, digital orthophotography, cartography, hydrography, GIS and other products and services in a broad range of applications, EUROSENSE has built high credibility in the processing of satellite remote sensing data.

Besides branches in Belgium (Wemmel, near Brussels), The Netherlands (Breda), Germany (Cologne) and France (Lille), EUROSENSE has high entrance in the market of the “new” European countries. With offices in Hungary (Budapest), The Czech Republic (Prague), Slovakia (Bratislava), Poland (Nadarzyn, near Warsaw), Romania (Bucharest) and Bulgaria (Sofia), EUROSENSE is the ideal EO-partner in Central- & Western-Europe.

Data collection & distribution

Next to our own aerial image acquisition, EUROSENSE is of course also distributor of a whole range of satellite data. We have no restrictions in the satellite data source or its resolution and have extensive experience in the processing of a wide range of optical and radar space imagery (SPOT, FORMOSAT, KOMPSAT, TerraSar-X, IKONOS, IRS, Quickbird, RADARSAT, Envisat, etc.) or a combination of them. The main focus, however, has been on the higher resolution image processing.

EUROSENSE is share holder of SPOT-image from the start-up and is of course official distributor for the different SPOT satellites, FORMOSAT and KOMPSAT.

Value adding

Today’s society is evolving rapidly. In times where the boundaries of environmental flexibility are tested on a global (e.g. global warming) and local (e.g. air, noise & soil pollution) scale, urban agglomerations are expanding exponentially, disasters like floods are affecting people more than ever and terrorist- and military threats are a daily news item. Policy makers and all people active in the management of today’s society-problems need tools to measure the current situation or certain trends and tools to plan improvement in the future. Only by accurate, harmonized and high-quality information, today’s society can be guided in a correct, sustainable direction, serving the real local and global needs.

EUROSENSE is specialized in collecting all types of spatial data, like aerial, satellite or bathymetric data. By its value adding services, these collected data and products are converted through a number of specialised procedures into value-adding information services fitting the real user needs. The domains and applications are manifold. Some examples of remote sensing applications are given below:

• Specialized classification procedure based on satellite or digital aerial imagery result in detailed and accurate urban/regional land-use and/or land-use change maps, which are vital for the monitoring and analysing of urban changes on a geo-located basis. In this context EUROSENSE is also actively involved in the development of the European Urban Atlas product (project GMES Urban Services & GSE-Land ; see figure 2 for example).

Figure 2: Urban Atlas Land-Use classification of the city of Lille.

• Based on the combination of image analysis of false color IR imagery, fieldwork and GIS, the health status of individual trees in a city are monitored on a yearly basis. This is fundamental information for the responsible bodies for the management of the urban green in a pro-active manner.

• For already more than a decade, EUROSENSE is participating in all types of agricultural based projects, like e.g. the agricultural control of the European subsidies (CAP). See in this context also the “Success Story” of the agricultural-based ESA project SAGACAP executed by EUROSENSE on the website of the European Space Agency.

Figure 3: Control of good tillage practices (parallel to contour lines).

• The service “Monitoring of elements at risk” makes it possible to frequently provide several end-users with up-to-date maps. The maps contain urban areas, as well as isolated buildings, industrial/ commercial/public buildings and infrastructures and/or all their changes in a fixed period of time, depending on the product (for an example, see figure 1). The overall focus of the service is to locate and to identify all civilian elements contained by areas prone to risk of natural disasters, e.g. recent or predicted flooded areas. Besides for risk mapping, these products are very useful for urban and regional planning purposes. This service is also incorporated in the project RISK-EOS.

• In the context of cross-border cooperation and security, EUROSENSE is providing a wide range of services, from cross-border base mapping and land-use classifications up to user adjusted services (e.g. accessibility maps). EUROSENSE is also here very active in the context of GMES (e.g. in the development of a satellite based portfolio for land-border security).

• Using modeling techniques on several geo data and river information, Flood Risk Maps are calculated and provide information on the extent and inundation depth of the simulated flood event. Based on these products, additional damage assessments can be executed. Another service in this context is the past flood mapping service (see figure 4). Information by Past Flood Mapping is vital for prevention and for planning of construction dams and infrastructures.

Figure 4: Past Flood Map of the Danube river (SK-HU-AU), based on SPOT5 10m of 17-08-2002

Please also visit our website EUROSENSE

Nerviërslaan 54
1780 Wemmel
Phone.: +32 (0)2 460 70 00
Fax: +32 (0)2 460 49 58