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European Programmes: Space 2005

Call for proposals for ‘Space 2005’ under the Sixth Framework

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for
‘Space 2005’ under the Sixth Framework Programme‘s ‘Aeronautics and
Space’ activity. This is one of the areas covered by the ‘Integrating
and strengthening the European Research Area’ specific programme.

The areas covered by this call are: GMES (global monitoring for
environment and security): water resources; security; long-term
sustainability of GMES; data harmonisation for geo-information in
support of integrated GMEWS/INSPIRE services; education and
training; networking the users; international cooperation.

Satellite Telecommunications: convergence and integration of satellite
telecommunications with GMES; convergence and integration of satellite
telecommunications with Galileo; end-to-end satellite
telecommunications systems; analysis of future potential combined
Galileo/satellite telecommunications services; international

In specifying the instruments to be used in these areas, the call
requests the use of Integrated Projects (IP), specific targeted
research projects (STREP), coordination actions (CA), and specific
support actions (SSA). Proposers are advised to consult the full call
text at the address below in order to find out the particular
instruments requested for each area.

The total indicative budget for this call is 45 million euro.
Remarks: The deadline for submitting proposal documents is 13.7.2005.
Before contacting the Commission, proposers are strongly advised to
consult the original call text in the Official Journal of the European
Union at the reference below.
Data Source Provider: Official Journal of the European Union
Document Reference: OJ No C79 of 01.4.2005, p.34
Subject Index : Scientific Research; Aerospace
To see the call text, please visit this site.