ESI has given European Space Imaging the distribution rights for Europe, North Africa and CIS countries. EUSI’s parent company Space Imaging Middle East (SIME) has also entered into a similar arrangement for the Middle East region. Both companies will soon start delivering global, timely, sub-meter resolution satellite imagery and high-resolution, high-definition video to a wide range of customers.
Under this agreement, European Space Imaging will host a compact ground station, named SkyNode, that consists of a 2.4 meter antenna and two racks of supporting equipment. European Space Imaging’s SkyNode for the direct tasking of the SkySat satellites is currently under construction at the Oberpfaffenhofen premises of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and is expected to be operational by May 2014.
Directly accessing this small-footprint system through a suite of easy-to-use software applications will enable EUSI to schedule, task, image, downlink, and process imagery and video products captured from the Skybox constellation of up to 24 satellites and deliver to customers with record speed and efficiency.
“Through these partnerships we are pleased to bring Skybox’s capabilities to these pioneers in high resolution imaging and video business to the European, Middle Eastern and North African regions. The vision of Skybox and the future applications and information that it will bring to the market is very exciting,” said Skybox Senior Director, International Sales, Brian Leslie. “Working with these experienced regional data providers will allow us to introduce Skybox’s new generation remote sensing into their regions offering frequent access to full-motion video and imagery.”
“As a leading provider of geospatial solutions in Europe for more than a decade we have a reputation for offering excellent service combined with accessing the most advanced satellite technology available.” said European Space Imaging Managing Director, Adrian Zevenbergen. “This agreement will give a boost to the European market by providing our customers access to a comprehensive suite of satellites offering timely, high-resolution, high-quality imagery and video products and allowing multiple daily access and simplified tasking and ordering services.”
SkySat-1, Skybox’s first satellite of the planned 24-satellite constellation, was successfully launched on November 21, 2013, and is currently undergoing calibration. SkySat-1 captures sub-meter resolution color imagery, as well as high-resolution, full motion video.
SkySat-2 and SkySat-3 are planned for launch in mid 2014 and early 2015, with the first block launch of 6 additional satellites planned for late 2015.
About European Space Imaging (EUSI)
European Space Imaging is the leading supplier of very high-resolution (VHR) satellite imagery across Europe and North Africa. European Space Imaging is the only European satellite data provider operating an own multi-mission capable VHR ground station, enabling optimized collection strategies, flexibility and real-time weather assessments throughout Europe and North Africa. Since 2002 European Space Imaging has provided access to the latest, most advanced VHR satellites available and services to customers throughout their region. For more information, visit
About Emirates Space Imaging (ESI)
Emirates Space Imaging offers geospatial solutions and innovative products, solutions and services from Skybox Imaging in both the Middle East and Europe. It also has a diverse network of technological and commercial partners. For more information, visit
About Skybox Imaging (Skybox)
Skybox Imaging empowers global businesses to make better decisions with timely, high fidelity imagery and infinite analytics. By combining the power of web technologies and a constellation of high-resolution imaging satellites, Skybox is generating a unique data source describing daily global activity with timely, accessible, sub-meter color imagery and high definition video of the Earth. Founded in 2009, Skybox Imaging is backed by leading venture firms and comprised of internet and aerospace professionals. For more information, visit
To learn more about this project, please contact:
Penelope Richardson, Marketing Manager
European Space Imaging
Arnulfstrasse 199, Munich 80634
Tel: +49 (0) 89 13014255
Fax: +49 (0) 89 13014222