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EARSC is part of ENEON

European Network of Earth Observation Networks: Connecting Earth Observation in Europe

ENEON is a common network of Earth observation networks to provide integrated and harmonized perspective of observations, forecasting and projecting, helping to reduce redundancies and detect gaps in the European EO arena.

What is ENEON?

ENEON is the European Network of Earth Observation Networks funded by the European Union under the H2020 ConnectinGEO project, including space-based, airborne and in-situ observations networks. ENEON intends to increase the connection between the existing European EO networks and the S&T communities involved in defining the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as S&T communities engaged in assessments, forecasting, and projecting future developments. ENEON contributes to the development of GEOSS and Copernicus by extending them to all relevant European EO networks, keeping connection to other global initiatives.


  • incorporate to ENEON all EO networks members currently active in Europe
  • consider in ENEON as much thematic areas as possible
  • spatial harmonization of EO in-situ data
  • connect ENEON with gap analysis studies, in particular ConnectinGEO methodology
  • harmonization among EVs
  • spatio-temporal continuity of the observations
  • harmonization among standards (sensorML, etc)

Open to

  • the GEOSS S&T Stakeholder Network and GEOSS CoPs
  • Copernicus services, Sentinel missions and in-situ support data representatives
  • European networks representatives for space-based, airborne and in-situ observations
  • representatives of the SMEs and industry sector
  • European and national funding agencies and in particular the ones participating in the ERA-NET GEO


  • ENEON stimulate a more harmonized and coherent coverage of the European EO networks
  • ENEON reemphasizing the political strategic targets
  • ENEON create opportunities for SMEs to develop products based on the current networks
  • ENEON open avenue for industry to participate in investments to address the identified high-priority gaps
  • ENEON feed a consultation process complemented by a systematic analysis of the available data and metadata

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