It provides recommendations to space policy decision-makers on how to secure the benefits of space investments for potential end-users, notably by financially supporting their access to satellite services. This would ensure potential European end-users make the most of public and private investments in space, including in programmes such as GMES and Galileo.
The Paper highlights, among others, that:
*financial support should be allocated directly to potential end-users for them to finance the implementation and use of satellite services
*part of this financial support should come from the future Space Budget
*funds should be made available through established financing mechanisms that potential end-users are familiar with, such as INTERREG, Intelligent Energy Europe etc.
*the calls should specifically mention what operational satellite services are eligible for funding
These measures will lower the entry barriers for potential end-users, thus encouraging demand for satellite services.
The Position Paper is based on Eurisy’s grassroots work with (potential) end-user communities and on wide consultations with stakeholders. It will be presented during a high level conference organised by Eurisy in Brussels, on 19 Nov. 2010
Eurisy would like to acknowledge the valuable input given to this document by its members and partners.