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Eurisy case-study report: "Managing biodiversity, cultural heritage and the movement of people in Norfolk: how satellite services can help"

Managing Biodiversity, Cultural Heritage and the Movement of People in Norfolk County: How Satellite Services Can Help

Norfolk County Case-Study Recommendations

This report is an introduction to how the actors of a regional authority – in this case Norfolk County Council – can use satellite applications to promote and protect natural and cultural heritage, and tackle the challenges of climate change locally.

As a case-study, its focus is on analysing and defining local needs, before matching them with practical recommendations from satellite application experts. This means that regional and local authorities, who are faced with similar challenges, can seek inspiration from their peers as to how to organise themselves to implement and use these innovative solutions.

The report is the outcome of the case-study workshop hosted by Norfolk County Council in Norwich on the 20 January 2011.

Eurisy is grateful to Norfolk County Council, Coast Alive! and the experts involved for making this possible.


(Source Eurisy)