The Conference will be followed on March 6, 2008 by a
“Panel on Information Mining from images, geo-information and text”.
“Panel on Information Mining from images, geo-information and text”.
Details are available at
Participation to conference and panel is free of charge up toavailable seats.
Interested participants shall register within February 1, 2008,
sending an e-mail to Patrizia
sending an e-mail to Patrizia
The Conference is scientifically sponsored by IEEE GRSS.
ESA will publish related “Workshop Proceedings”.
Contributors are encouraged to make their interactive presentations,
since only articles presented at the Conference will be published.
ESA will publish related “Workshop Proceedings”.
Contributors are encouraged to make their interactive presentations,
since only articles presented at the Conference will be published.
Extensive abstract, with indication if it is for
interactive presentation or poster session,
via e-mail to, copy,
subject: IIM ESA-EUSC 2008) by October 15, 2007
interactive presentation or poster session,
via e-mail to, copy,
subject: IIM ESA-EUSC 2008) by October 15, 2007
Notification of acceptance (and format for article submission)
will be provided to authors by November 15, 2007
will be provided to authors by November 15, 2007
A limited number of demonstrations can be accepted:
demonstration description and resource requirements
shall be provided by e-mail to
demonstration description and resource requirements
shall be provided by e-mail to
(subject: IIM ESA-EUSC 2008) within February 15, 2008.
Full articles and presentations by February 15, 2008.
Presentations should focus on theory and applications leading to
more automation in geospatial information extraction and understanding
from optical and SAR EO images and heterogeneous sources:
more automation in geospatial information extraction and understanding
from optical and SAR EO images and heterogeneous sources:
- – Automatic image pre-processing (geo-referencing, ortho-rectification, radiometric calibration, etc.)
– – Challenges for metre resolution optical and SAR EO images
- – Geospatial Intelligence: synergies across images, maps and geo information
- – Models, semantics and spatial syntax for image understanding
- – Information mining from heterogeneous sources
- – Human-machine communication for spatial reasoning
- – Knowledge discovery and sharing
- – Scenarios and constraints in Environment, Security and Intelligence applications
- – System architectures for geospatial information processing
The “Panel on Information Mining from images, geo-information and text”
will include topics like (final list will be made available with the programme):
will include topics like (final list will be made available with the programme):
- Tools
— Use of KIM (interactive information discovery from images)
— Use of KEO (component-based processing environment)
- Image understanding
— Speaking Images: Intelligence and Semantics
— Understanding high resolution SAR images
- Image Information Mining
— Automatic classification strategies
— Change detection
— Mining Time Series
- Heterogeneous information sources
— Knowledge from Web content
— Visualisation of geo information
The event is the fifth in the series jointly organised by ESA and EUSC
(see the last one at
The event is the fifth in the series jointly organised by ESA and EUSC
(see the last one at
It is promoted by the European Image Information Mining Coordination Group (IIMCG),
initiated by:
initiated by:
ASI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
CNES, Centre National d‘Etudes Spatiales
CNR, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche
DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
EC-IST, European Commission – Information Society Technology
EC-IST, European Commission – Information Society Technology
ESA, European Space Agency
ETHZ, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
EUSC, European Union Satellite Centre
An extended to:
EARSC, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies
EARSC, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies
(Source IIMCG)