The 2013 European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium follows the previous successful symposia held in Bergen (2010), Montreux (2007) and Salzburg (2004).
The event will be held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom from 9 to 13 September 2013 and is organised with the support of the UK Space Agency
A first call for abstracts has been released, with a deadline for abstract submission on 15 February 2013. All received abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee, notification of acceptance will be provided in May 2013. Full papers for accepted contributions shall be provided at the event and will be published as ESA Special Publication.
The objective of the Living Planet Symposium is to present the results of ESA EO missions in exploitation by:
- providing a forum for investigators to report and discuss results of on-going science activities using ERS, ENVISAT, GOCE, SMOS, CRYOSAT, Swarm and ESA Third Party missions data;
- gathering the Sentinels R&D community;
- reviewing the development of applications;
- introducing operational services including GMES;
- reporting on ESA Exploitation Programmes (DUE, VAE, STSE);
- reporting on ESA Climate Change Initiative and international cooperation;
- providing dedicated thematic tutorials and short training courses (ESA toolboxes).
In addition, the Symposium will provide an opportunity to introduce ESA missions in development (Sentinels, Earth Explorers and meteorological missions) and national EO missions
More details on abstract submission are posted on the Symposium website at:
Notice that Symposium website will be updated shortly with a dedicated page for the Exhibition.