The ERSOS (Earth Remote Sensing and Observation Systems) Specialized Master (Post-Master Program) is a one-year professional degree course. Our goal is to deliver an international program in the field of Earth observation, Remote Sensing and Observation Systems. ERSOS aims to develop cutting edge (scientific) skills and competences in every stage of the image chain, from the earth’s surface to remotely sensed data products : systems (satellites…), scientific skills (earth remote sensing, image processing, data analysis, …), technological sensors (satellite sensors, cameras, 3D, RADAR, lidar, microwaves…), and international project management. The spectrum of applications is very wide and related to numerous domains. It can be divided into three areas : Environmental Issues (oceanography, sustainable development, forest and water management, etc.), Civil Issues (GIS, Cartography…) and Safety & Security.
ERSOS – Master on Earth Observation
Earth Remote Sensing and Observation Systems