Lansdslides in Italy affect about 70% of the municipalities (5600 out of 8101), this and other informations came out from the “Ladslides Report in Italy”officially released in November 2007 by the Italian Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services (APAT). These were some of the important findings of the IFFI Project (Inventario dei Fenomeni Franosi in Italia), in which an homogenous and updated inventory of the Italian landslides was successfully accomplished by APAT, in collaboration with the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces.
The IFFI Inventory was published on the Internet with the aim of disseminating information related to landslides to national and local administrations, research institutes, geologists, engineers and citizens. This data infrastructure composed by vector and alphanumeric database, as well as by thematic carthography for hydrogeological/environmental emergencies is now available through Cart@net a WebGIS solution developed by Planetek Italia. This on-line archive is designed for easy access and consultation by stake holders involved in decision making and in the management of territorial planning.
Services related to Civil Protection and Risk Management are one of application field in Planetek Italia. The company has been involved in different projects, e.g. SLAM aimed at realizing products derived from the integration of data acquired by traditional and EO methodologies into a GIS environment.
About Planetek Italia
Planetek Italia is one of the leading companies in Italy in the data processing and system development for geographic data management. The company delivers systems for storage, elaboration and distribution of cartographic databases and satellite images. As provider of leading technologies for the European Space Agency (ESA), Italian Space Agency (ASI) and other leader research and development entities in Europe, Planetek Italia assures state of the art products to their customers. To better satisfy market needs, Planetek Italia complements its offerings by reselling premiere geospatial solutions and provides consulting and training services. Sister and spin-off companies of Planetek Italia are: Planetek Hellas EPE in Athens, Greece, and GEO-K in Rome, Italy.
Planetek Italia S.r.l.
Address: Via Massaua 12, I-70123 Bari (Italy)
Phone: +39 080 9644200 – Fax: +39 080 9644299
Contact Person: Paolo Manunta
E-mail: manunta [at]