First of all, Europe needs a global space vision and associated
policies. This does not exist at the right level today except for the
realisation that present focus should be to put Space at the service of
the citizen. Within this context and for political, economic, social,
environmental, strategic, defence, technology, and industrial reasons
the priority must be put on Earth Monitoring as a whole including the
Environmental and Security dimensions, its Earth Observation,
Telecommunications and Navigation components and both its related space
and ground infrastructures. Such a priority must be translated in
short, mid- and long term planning and budgets.
Without swift and strong actions in these directions, the risks for the industrial space sector are that:
Satellite and sensors capabilities could be left to diminish in
large part,
Ground infrastructures could be left to receive mostly non-European
satellites data which mean no insurance of continuity of operation,
Value-added companies could face increase vulnerability in access to
data, as well as a paucity of European data leading to some VA
retailers elimination,
Users would face a lack of strategic and critical data, thus limiting
their autonomy,
European decision makers would face a loss of independence on the world
European stature in EO downstream market might decrease (it is now
about 300 Me annual i.e. 1/10 of U.S.; Ref.: ESYS, 2005).
The GMES programme as a flagship would be an important step forward
but must be fully deployed in its science and applications, technology
convergence and international dimensions.
Roles and responsibilities
EU should federate institutional demands and needs in relation with:
Regional Needs
EU should play an important regulating role:
On location based services linked to GALILEO
Widening universal service in broadband
Emphasising the strategic and political nature of space activities
Industry is eager to see in Europe quick decisions on, and a clear
definition of, who is doing what. First outlines of roles and
responsibilities given in page 8 of the “Preliminary Elements of the
ESP” are satisfactory in the XX-led area but must be quickly detailed
in the XX-Contribution area.
Industrial Policy Principles
The main concerns of European Remote Sensing companies are related to:
Maintaining the competitiveness and technological independence of European Industry,
The needs for the support of public authorities,
The urgency to start GMES with existing users, without waiting for future end-users to join in,
The needs for real programmes and not only FP,
The needs for proper financing mechanisms, at 100% level for non commercial applications,
The poor funding received by EO companies in the last years due to emphasis on space transport