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ELECNOR Deimos new contracts for EO Ground Segment and Applications

In the Earth Observation market, Elecnor Deimos is particularly active in ground segment systems and EO applications, as well as continuing with a wide range of activities across the Space sector including the ability to develop and market end-to end earth observation missions, as in Deimos-1 and Deimos-2 missions.

Ground Segment systems is one of the key activities of Deimos, currently involving more than 50% of the staff of the company, and representing more than 50% of the turnover of the company. The experience gained in developing the full ground segment for the Earth observation programmes of the European Space Agency, has led to the creation of the gs4EO® suite of products providing a compact Flight Operations Segment (FOS) including mission control systems, flight dynamics and mission planning, and a Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) including acquisition, processing, archiving, distribution, calibration and monitoring.

The gs4EO® suite has a modular design and aims to provide flexible solutions in many different contexts, for example some components have been integrated into the UK Collaborative Ground Segment being developed for the UK Space Agency by the Satellite Applications Catapult.

As a module of gs4EO® suite Elecnor Deimos develops and markets the system for satellite image reception, Direct receiving stations (DRS) to download, process, distribute and archive DEIMOS-1 & DEIMOS-2 satellite data. Deimos has recently been awarded two contracts for Direct Receiving Stations of Deimos-2 (customers cannot be disclosed).

In the downstream market Deimos is building its application capability under the banner service4EO with a range of products targeted at the growing markets in agriculture services and Smart Cities. R&D work in Deimos subsidiaries in Portugal (Deimos Engenharia) and UK (Deimos Space UK) includes services for irrigation planning, an integrated precision agriculture service using satellite and UAV data and an automated urban mapping service.
