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Editorial Winter 2022

Emmanuel Pajot, EARSC Secretary General

Welcome to the first eoMAG of 2022!

Despite the still ongoing pandemic, the EO ecosystem continued its development during 2021 last quarter.

-           From the institutional side, EUSPA finalized the signature of the agreements with the European Entrusted Entities and published last week its first report on the EO and GNSS market report (; ESA launched three Accelerators: Space for a green future, Rapid and resilient crisis response and Protection of space assets.

-           On the private side, companies such as Hydrosat, Satellogic and Planet raised significant capital, acquired other companies, and even the later went public with a $300 million war chest after SPAC deal. Additional capabilities entered in services such as Airbus Pléiades Neo 4 mid of December. Added values SMEs actors were also very dynamic, as illustrated by EOMAP creating a new office in Dubai.

2021 ended for EARSC with two key elements: the creation of a Working Group on the Green Deal with 25 companies involved and the closure of one of our project flagship PARSEC ( at Valencia Digital Summit 2021. With the support of the European Commission, PARSEC distributed 2.5M€ equity-free to 100+ SMEs.

I wish you a happy and safe start to the year and hope to see you in person soon.