Dear EOMag readers,
As new interim chairman of EARSC I like to welcome you to the Spring 2009 edition of our earth observation magazine EOmag. In this edition we like to give you insight into the activities of our Association and our members.
As all of you are aware the former chairman of our Association Paul Kamoun has executed this job for many years and with great success. Due to his commitment EARSC is being identified and positioned as “the” European Association of the Earth Observation community in Europe and Canada. I therefore like to thank Paul personally for all the time and efforts spend to make our Association so sucessful.
Although many business sectors are hit by the global recession the same recession is offering opportunities for growth and development of innovative sectors like our sector. For 2009, EARSC will organise a workshop in Brussels to link our sector to the oil and gas as well as to the renewable energy sector. We hope that this workshop will lead to a better understanding by our members of the energy market and that business opportinities will be identified in this challenging and growing market. We will inform you on this activity very soon.
In 2006, ESA undertook a study with EARSC under the banner of eoVox with a view to identifying key actions that were required in order to help foster the growth and development of the EO VA industry in Europe and Canada. Since that activity a boiling synergy has induced an EARSC evolution and restructuring of our industry and of its representation, therefore eoVox2 initiative is expected to be another breakthrough to improve even further the representation of European Earth Observation Industry in a variety of contexts. In the very near future EARSC will update you on the specific actions it is taking to coordinate the eoVox2 efforts. As we move forward with these plans, we will do in a dialog form, and united by a commitment to working in partnership with industry and stakeholders. More information on eoVox will be prepared in a dedicated website.
GMES governance discusions are nowadays on the table of several institutions. The joint EU-ESA innitiative needs to evolve into full operational maturity. This requires a sustainable programme including long-term funding commitment; a suitable governance structure and a specific legislative and regulatory framework. The next milestone to rally stakeholders will be the GMES governance event schedule for May 11 in Brussels. The workshop will be an opportunity for all interested parties to expose possible governance models and to make a first evaluation of their impact on the industry.We thus look forward to welcoming you in Brussels next May simultaneously celebrating our 20-year anniversary.
In the mean time, on behalf of all the EARSC Directors, let me wish you a fruitful spring, looking forward to meet all our members at the Annual General Meeting on June 25th, 2009, in Brussels.
With my best wishes to you all and to our association!
Han Wensink
EARSC interim Chairman