Editorial by EARSC's Secretary General Emmanuel Pajot
2021 New horizons for the EO downstream sector!
After several quarters without any update, we are delighted to revive eoMAG, EARSC’s newsletter, to keep you updated on the EU EO downstream sector.
2021 first semester was marked by several moments which will drive the future of our dynamic sector. In March, Josef Aschbacher, Director of Earth Observation since 2016, was appointed ESA Director-General. The following month, the European Council adopted the European Space Programme 2021-2027 budget of 14,88 billion. In May, the European Commission created the new European Union Agency for the Space Programme “EUSPA”. EUSPA’s mandate includes increased responsibilities in managing the exploitation of Galileo and EGNOS and is also responsible for the development of downstream markets and fostering of innovation based on Galileo, EGNOS and the commercial users of Copernicus.
EU companies will get access to a set of actions such as the European Commission’s new initiative Cassini to support innovative entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in the space industry (first information on EARSC Youtube channel – link) and Horizon Europe programme. With a total budget of 95.5 billion, Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research to tackle climate change, help to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and boost the EU’s competitiveness and growth. It includes an ambitious partnerships approach with industry in support of EU policy objectives. Many opportunities make references to Copernicus and EO at large. First calls opened end of June. EARSC can play a role to support your consortium, helping you to find a partner.
In June, the EARSC annual event “ExpandEO” took place, attracting 830+ people. During 2 days and 13 sessions, attendees had the opportunity to interact with the 70 speakers, explore the 40 virtual stands, and network. This year, ExpandEO attendees could have a concrete impact on the DG RTD Strategic Roadmap design during the 1st Fire Forum, pinpointing opportunities for EO uptake in six sectors: agriculture, wind energy, infrastructure, marine, raw material and urban development. Explore the ExpandEO website to get access to videos and discover the winners of the awards.
As a termination of this editorial, I want to share with you two opportunities:
- to develop your business in agriculture or maritime market in Chile or Australia: get support with the EARSC lead project ConnectEO: Call for participation in trade mission (https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/TBYLK5N )
- to be part of EUROGEO’s flagship project in developing new services in alignment with the three main priorities of GEO (the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and Sendaï Framework): The second e-shape onboarding call is open up to September 3 (https://e-shape.eu/index.php/on-boarding-call )
I wish you a lovely summer and see you in 3 months for the future eoMAG!