They are publicly available to the broader public on
These White Papers promote a transversal approach that covers all aspects and sectors of security, including cross-cutting aspects. To ensure consistency, the White Papers are incorporated in a global vision for a comprehensive European security approach considerate of local and national security concerns and promoted by EOS Position Paper on Priorities for a Future European Security Framework, which is retrievable from
EDISOFT is an active member of EOS, which, after two years of intense work to build these common positions, is proud of this big achievement that for the first time sees stakeholders of the European Security Market brought together to agree on common messages for the consistent development and harmonization of the market to be proposed to the EU Institutions, the Member States, the Users and Operators and the broader public. The suggested priority actions, and in particular the establishment of sector specific EU Security Programmes, will now be proposed for discussion to the new Commissioners and the European Parliament.
EDISOFT is confident that the recommendations contained in the EOS White Papers and Position Paper will contribute to reducing the fragmentation of the national and European security market, thus promoting the development of a stronger market for innovative security technologies as well as the consistent implementation of security solutions and services.
EOS Members, end of 2009, having contributed to the released White Papers.
Source Edisoft