This document translates the priorities of President Barroso’s political guidelines into concrete actions. Overall, emphasis of the CWP is on (1) putting the Europe 2020 Strategy into practice thereby building the basis for exiting the economic crisis and creating sustainable growth and jobs (2) enhancing the rights and security of European citizens and (3) strengthening Europe’s role on the world stage.
Please note in particular, in Annex II “Indicative list of possible strategic and priority initiatives under consideration”:
- Communication on the future involvement of the European Union in space
The communication will define the priorities and the main activities of a future Space framework programme, to be implemented under the next financial perspectives. The programme would respond to fundamental policy challenges. The programme would build on what has been achieved in the context of GALILEO, GMES and FP7 Space theme.
- Proposal for a Regulation establishing the European Earth Observation Programme (GMES)
In the context of the next EU Multi-annual Financial Framework, the proposal will address in particular the programmatic and financial aspects of the GMES service and infrastructure components. It will also establish the legal and regulatory framework for the implementation of the regulation including ownership and data policy, governance and international cooperation aspects of GMES.
- Regulation establishing a European Space Programme
Art 189 TFEU gives the EU the competence to establish a European space programme. The specific objective of the space programme would be to support the implementation of the European Space Policy, in a way complementary to activities carried out by ESA and national space agencies. The programme would build on what has been achieved in the context of GALILEO, GMES and FP7 Space theme.
- Proposal for governance and financing of the European GNSS Programmes
There needs to be a new programme regulation for the post 2013 period covering governance issues and funding. This also covers the question what the agency should do.
Other points might also be relevant for the space sector: In Annex I “Strategic initiatives scheduled for adoption in 2010”:
9. Communication on a European Digital. Agenda (2nd quarter)
The European Digital Agenda will aim at exploiting the potential of Information and Communication Technologies as a major enabling technology for moving to a low-carbon, knowledge-based and competitive economy. It will adopt an integrated approach to the challenges of a digital economy and society, addressing the issues both from the supply and demand side. It will identify concrete measures to be taken at EU or Member States’ level for rolling out high speed internet, achieving a borderless online market for goods, services and content; upgrading skills and delivering the services of the future.
10. Communication on “An Industrial Policy for the Globalised Era” (3rd quarter)
The Communication will translate the overall objectives of enhancing industrial competitiveness whilst pursuing a low-carbon path into concrete initiatives at EU level; it will define a framework with stakeholders to steer the restructuring of sectors towards future oriented activities combining instruments such as smart regulation, public procurement, competition rules and standards, as well as work with social partners to deal with the anticipation and management of change, and the social consequences of restructuring.
11. Communication on a European Plan for Research and Innovation (3rd quarter)
The European Plan for Research and Innovation will propose an indicator to track innovation, as announced in the Europe 2020 Communication. It will also specify a policy framework for developing European Research and Innovation Partnerships, developing underpinning technologies, optimizing framework conditions for research and innovation, strengthening, simplifying and further developing the scope of EU instruments to support research and innovation. Building on the review of Environmental Technology Action Plan (2004-2009), eco-innovation will also be addressed.
29. Communication on the reinforcement of the EU’s Disaster Response Capacity (4th quarter)
Communication setting out options to reinforce the EU Disaster Response and preparedness capacities inside and outside the Europe, covering three main building blocks: civil protection, humanitarian aid and increased civil-military cooperation.
Source Eurospace