On EARSC behalf, we are certain that new members will contribute actively to the aims of EARSC enthusiastically involved in coordinating and strengthening the Earth-observation chain and promoting the European Earth observation industry in programmes such as GMES and GEOSS.
EARSC Membership is nowadays increasing which encourage us in the Board of Directors to continue to do our best to fulfill the tasks that you as members could expect of the association. On EARSC behalf, Welcome!
INNOVA Consorzio per l’Informatica e la Telematica
INNOVA has highly specialized know-how in Synthetic Aperture Radar technology, Infomobility systems, High Performance Computing, GRID and Geographical Information Systems. We are currently involved in several European projects that utilize satellite data such as COSMO-SkyMed, R.O.S.A., InterRisk and PRIMI. We firmly believe we can be a very strong partner in any of the above fields.
More information about the new INNOVA
Institut de Geomàtica
The IG was founded in 1997 as a public consortium, with own legal entity, composed of the Generalitat de Catalunya (local government of Catalonia) and the UPC.
Its mission is the development of geomatics through applied research and education in support of society, institutional and industry needs both at national and international levels. The IG is currently structured in two research departments and one educational area. The two research departments are focussed in Remote Sensing and in Geodesy and Navigation, respectively. Its members have a two decade experience in Earth Observation data/image processing/applications as well as in sensor data fusion.
The activities of the Remote Sensing unit are mainly in the area of SAR: image processing, Interferometric and differential SAR applications (DInSAR). Its aim is the development of tools for analysis and computation for land subsidence using DInSAR techniques and the subsequent generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs).
The second sector of activity is the thematic application of digital photogrammetry to areas as the water quality, forest and precision farming. Last activity area are the airborne SAR and LIDAR technologies. This unit also developes terrestrial active remote sensing activities as LIDAR in combination with ground-based SAR.
The areas deployed at the Geodesy and Navigation department are mainly sensor orientation by hybridation of INS and GNSS technologies applied to Photogrammetry and Earth Observation imaginery/data capture systems.
Educational area provides the knowledge transfer and trining based on the in-house knowledge in Earth Observation fields as LIDAR, SAR, information systems and LBSs.
Nowadays, the education area of the IG is carrying out (with UPC) the elaboration of the first Master in Geomatics in Catalonia in the scope of the European Higher Education Space. This formation programme is a challenge that involves other European universities, research centres and industrial and institutional stakeholders in various fields of Geomatics and remote sensing.
The IG is offering a modular executive training program in airborne photogrammetry and remote sensing as well as other activities as organization of workshops and conference to disseminate knowledge and innovation in remote sensing and in Geodesy&Navigation technologies/topics
More information about the Institut de Geomatica
EARSC Membership
EARSC membership represents the entire spectrum of the Earth Observation industry including all sector chain: providers, stakeholders and users. For our members, the annual membership dues are a cost-effective way to stay informed, promote their company, political and institutional representation, networking opportunities with industry players and help support the future of Earth Observation. Industry together could transform activities into meaningful action on behalf of our sector.
EARSC membership is composed by full members and observer members:
CORPORATE Any commercial European company or partnership offering and undertaking consulting and contracting services or supplying equipment in the field of remote sensing which is based in a European Country which contributes to the European Space Agency or which is a member of the European Community shall be eligible for membership.
OBSERVERS Companies from countries associated to European programs but not eligible for full membership. Any active representative organization, institution or association party in the field of Earth observation and not engaged in commercial or profit-making activities such as Public/Governmental Bodies, International Organisation, International Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), Private Non Profit Organisation/Foundation, Network/Association/Aggregation of Intermediaries(profit or non profit), Business Association, Universities, other?) with interest in Earth Observation.
More information on membership at EARSC